Thursday, June 14, 2018

What I believe part 1 or Wow 2 posts in one month!

Well, this is gong to be viewed as narcissistic, ho hum or, hopefully, something to trigger your thoughts on these same things.

Over the next few (1,832) posts, I'm going to express what I believe and try to communicate why I believe these things.  Okay 1,832 posts is a bit of an exaggeration, but there should be nearly 20. Let's get started.

1. I believe in God. I believe there's a supreme being who brought all this into existence. Genesis 1;1 states "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light; and there was light." Gen 1;1-3

There's this wild theory among the scientists who investigate creation and it's called the Big Bang theory (no, not the TV show, though it is a funny show). In this theory there is a singularity smaller than anything known to man and it suddenly explodes thereby creating the universe and providing the starting point for stars, planets, black holes and what ever else is out there that I'm not familiar with. To me and to many others, this theory and the beginning of the universe in Genesis is quite similar. Granted one is viewed through the eyes of scientists who may or may not believe in God and the other viewed through the eyes of religion, many of whom, not all, reject any scientific evidence that is out there. I think science and religion can coexist and the things stated in the Bible can be explained scientifically as well (well, I believe MOST things can be).

The first chapter of Genesis deals with creation from beginning through God resting on the 7th day. There's an argument, and I hesitate to bring it up here but I'm going to, that the universe is only 6,000 to 10,000 years old. One of the passages that support this is in 2 Peter 3;8 stating "But beloved,be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day." Using that as support God created the universe and everything in it in 6,000 years.  God can do that. I don't dispute the faith in God that helps a believer to believe that. A teacher I once had in college said "You cannot put God in a box" meaning, to me, that you cannot  limit God to just what you believe. I do, however, think that the verse is basically telling us that to God time is immaterial. He's not restricted by time. He invented time.

Some scientists would have you believe that this is all an accident of nature. I look around me at the trees, grass, mountains, oceans and all the creatures living and I just cannot believe the "it's all an accident or coincidence". There is a design to it all. A hand that shaped it all.

That's why I believe there's a God and He created all things.

Monday, June 11, 2018

As life goes on...

Just an observation.

As we age, we begin to look at our lives and a couple things cross our minds (well at least a couple). One of those things is "look where I am now. Ready for retirement, the kids are out of the house, we get to see our grand kids on a regular basis and Life is good." I believe the other thing that crosses our minds is "How could I have done things differently.  With regards to the children, work, education. How could I have blown the opportunities that came to me earlier in life when I was young and full for piss and vinegar?"

Those two things, I think, we dwell on. Well I do anyway, and I find myself regretting many of the moves I made in my life. I do NOT regret marrying my wife. She's the love of my life and always will be. But other things I did or didn't do I let those things haunt me. I start thinking about "what could have been" had I stayed on the course I was on. The only thing this thinking does is make me depressed and depression is not good. Not the depression that makes a person want to harm themselves, but enough to make me want to go back to bed and just curl up and sleep.

I don't know how many of you who read this, feel the way I do, but I know it's not healthy to continually swell on things that are now beyond your control.  They call the past the past because it's passed. Another cliche is "Yesterday is gone forever, tomorrow may never come, today is forever" (I'm not sure about the "today is forever" part, but it sounds good). So the thing to do is to remember the good things that you have accomplished. And if you're at a loss as to what you accomplished, ask a loved one.  They will remind you and if they love you, they will point out the good you've done and those lives you've touched.  Remember the question I asked in one of my past blogs? "Will it matter that I was?"  The answer to that question should always be "Yes"

It doesn't matter if you live in a mansion or in a dilapidated house as long as the ones you love are near you, you have a good life. It's always best to be around those you love and love you back.

If you're depressed or sad for some reason, I hope you feel better soon. Put a smile on your face for 10 minutes and see how you feel then. I hope this blog helps you get things in perspective and help you to think positively about yourself.   It's difficult to see yourself through the eyes of another, but at least take what they say as truth about you and be encouraged.

Those of you who read this and know somebody needing a hug or encouragement, please do not be afraid to give either of those or both. It's good to encourage people and to help them see the good in themselves. (boy does that sound awkward).

Thank you for reading this. I feel better already.