Thursday, June 23, 2011

Here's something that might be entertaining

Here's something that might be entertaining. If you like it or don't, let me know (post a comment). But be somewhat nice, please. :)

A boy's story...

He heard a noise and turned. To his left was his friend William. To his left was Robbie. William was smart and quiet. Well he was usually quiet; the noise Jim had heard had come from William. William had brown hair and was not especially athletic, but if he was on your side, you stood a good chance of coming out on top because with his intelligence came a good dose of cunning. He could sneak up on you without you hearing him until it was too late and he tagged you.
Robbie was not as smart as William, but he was stronger and faster. In tag, when Robbie tagged you, you felt it. He didn’t hurt you and even if he did, he didn’t mean it, he was just stronger than he can control sometimes. Robbie had black hair and was a bit bigger, but he was a true and loyal friend. Jim had met both of them soon after he arrived. They had stepped in and stopped some of the others from bullying him. Since that day the have been inseparable.
Playing tag was one of their more favorite games. It allowed them to run around laughing and playing, as kids were wont to do. Sometimes, like this time, the elders allowed them to go hunting with the adults, thus the need for quiet. Of course the boys wouldn’t be in on the kill, but they knew what was going to happen. Their biggest hope at this point was that there was enough time to play after the hunt was over.
They stopped. Not just the three boys, but everybody stopped. Jim could feel the tension in the air and it excited him. Then with much noise, the kill was done. It was a large deer and would provide enough food for the whole group. After they ate their fill, they rolled around in the grass. Jim looked up and realized it was time to go home. He turned toward his friends, then toward his own home and started walking that way. Looking back he saw his friends following him. The sky was starting to brighten with a new day as Jim neared the gate. He turned again and in his human form held out his hands. His friends approached him and licked him. He knelt down and rubbed their heads and hugged them. It saddened him to have to leave his friends and not be with them until the next full moon. He wished that the curse he had been inflicted with had left him a wolf all the time instead of just once a month. He longed to run and play with his friends everyday. He sighed and turned and went through the gate. William and Robbie trotted off toward the woods where they would be safe from the humans.


Holly said...

I really enjoy the story idea, young children as werewolves. I'd love to see this fleshed out a bit more.

Dennis said...

I plan on it and I've started doing that, I'm just stuck. I'd like to make a full fledged story and publish it if I could ever get it going again.

Holly said...

I think you have the same problem I have. Great at starting stories, bad at finishing them.