Friday, July 15, 2011

What the President said...

I actually listened to the President this morning, talking about the budget battle he is engaged in with Congress.  Okay not Congress, but the Republican leadership in Congress.  He (the President) said a couple things that made my jaw drop. 

One of the things he said was that he's going to be 50 soon and is starting to look at how Medicare is going to affect him.  He said something about getting his AARP card and the discounts he'll be getting with it. 

The problem I have with that is HE IS NOT GOING ON MEDICARE WHEN HE GETS TO BE THAT AGE.  And he will not be going on Social Security when he retires.  Government employees have a different system that IS NOT IN TROUBLE like Medicare and Social Security is.  DON'T BE FOOLED!  Research it.  Congress is not required to pay Social Security taxes in or contribute to Medicare.  If they were, THEY'D FIX  THEM.  Unfortunatly most of the American People don't know this.  I also know that just me putting it here is not going to educate very many (if any) people at all.

Another thing that the President said was that we (meaning the government) need to treat the budget like a family deals with their budget.  If you're maxed out on your credit cards you don't stop making payments to your bills and such. 

What do you do?  I know what I do, I CUT MY EXPENSES.  I don't go out searching for more income.  I've found that if I make more money, I spend more money and I don't get better off.  Obviously if I need a raise, I'd ask for one, but during rough economic times, I wouldn't expect to get one especially if the business I'm working for has been cutting expenses and been having a rough time (the typical American worker), he won't raise his expenses by giving me a raise.  That'd be bad for him.   So I cut out the unnecessary expenses or the ones I can do with out.  Raising taxes at this time would be a bad idea.  It discourages growth.

Another thing he said was the phrase "job killing tax cuts".  Tell me something.  If you were running a business and your taxes went down, would you lay off employees or would you reinvest the money to get your business growing, which would include hiring more employees and putting more money in your pockets?  As for me, I would be reinvesting the money and growing my business so I can make more money.  If that involved hiring more people, then I would do it.  If my taxes were raised, that means more money leaving my pockets and it may require me to cut more expenses which may include laying off employees. 

Is this not just common sense?   Am I missing something?  I remember the economic years of the Carter administration and the recovery and BOOM from the Reagan years.  Reagan got Congress to cut taxes and it put more money in pockets, that money was spent which meant that businesses had to produce more and they made more and hired more people.  That was the result of JOB KILLING TAX CUTS. 

Well, that's all I had to say for now.  If I'm wrong on those things, don't hesitate to point it out. 

Thanks for listening to my ranting.  I will modify this or add to it if I find I'm wrong or missquoted.  I'm going to see if I can find a transcript of the President's remarks today.  If I can find them, I'll post the actual quotes from that in this post or in a comment to this post.

By the way, here is the link to the transcript of today's press conference:

Go ahead go there, look at what he said and form your own opinions.

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