Isn't it funny, you can say something to somebody and that something is innocuous, yet because that person to whom the words were said was in a bad mood, or depressed or hurting in some way, takes it personally and is even more hurt by those perfectly harmless words.
I know it happens. It's happend to me before and I'm sure it will happen again. I'll be in a bad mood or depressed or in pain or something and somebody will say something that, ordinarily would be funny or mean nothing yet I'll take it personally. I'll feel hurt by the comment and think about doing something rash (note: for me "rash" is closing my facebook account without warning or without saying a word about it). The hard part is to let it slide off my back and realize what kind of mood I'm in and by realizing the mood I'm in, maybe I can maintain enough civility and grace to ignore the comments knowing it was not meant to hurt but meant as a joke or at least in a light-hearted way.
I want to take this moment to apologize to anybody to whom I've done that to. Perhaps I've spoken a word or two that you took offense to even though I meant no offense by it.
Now by saying all that, I don't mean that you have to watch your step. Just realize that if you say something harmless and you get your head snapped off because of it, it could mean the person was in a bad mood or something. So don't take WHAT THEY say personal. Let it go. Maybe in a day or two things will be different and they will look back at it and laugh.
Sorry, that was my way of dealing with something. Thanks for taking the time to "listen".
Good post. Hugs!
I'm watching my step from now on. :p
Love you.
Oh, and I don't think you need to apologize for your post. That's the whole point of a blog, right? To air your feelings? +10 awesome points for being brave enough to spill your guts.
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