Thursday, February 02, 2012

I wonder...

I watch a television show called "Last Man Standing", it's to Tim Allen in it and it's a funny show.  Tim's character runs the marketing department at a sportsman's store (well I guess he runs it for the entire company, not just one store).  Anyway, he has a video blog and I've thought, gee that might be an interesting way of doing blogs.  Then I think, with my huge number of regular viewers (2 maybe 3 counting me) I would lose viewers, heck I'd probably stop looking at my blog if I had to look at my face and hear nails on a blackboard.  Plus I have no idea where I would go to set it up and do it. 

So, among all you who are reading this, how many of you would even consider doing one yourself and would you frequent one where I do it (video blog).

Yeah it's a survey thing, kinda, a view without a comment is viewed as a view without a comment. 


Holly said...

I was actually considering starting a video blog myself! I mean, the people who make them make it look so easy, right? Then I got a video camera for Christmas. Needless to say, it's kinda scary to go in front of the camera and starting pouring your guts out. Even if you don't think too many people are watching it, you still can't help but think, "God, I sound kinda stupid right now. How am I going to go out into a public place and talk in front of a camera like this?" Anyway, if you really want to do it, all I can recommend is watching a few other people's video blogs. See how they do it. It'll also give you some sort of an idea of how it's suppose to flow. That's another problem I have, so I guess I'll have to take my own advice. :)

Dennis said...

The next question is where does one go to do that and can you make a free one like this one here?

Holly said...

Oh sure! You can host the videos on youtube, then post them here as your blog entries. I've never used this site to post anything, but I'm guessing it would be relatively easy.