Saturday, April 21, 2012

An ESP thing that puzzles me....

Something I wonder about, and this is mainly directed to those who believe ESP and such are gifts.  Why do you feel it would be wrong to use your gift to help yourself when you are in need?  I'm not talking about winning lottery numbers, but you can pass those on to me if you like.  I'm talking more along the lines of you need temporary help because of situations beyond your control has caused a slight reversal of fortunes as it were.  Yet you can't or won't help yourself.  I don't understand that.  Some one please explain it to me.

I know there are those who may read this that will say ESP and such is from Satan, but there are others who believe those are gifts from God.  It's to those people to whom this is directed.


Ben said...

There are Holy men and women that have had the gift of clairvoyance, these people used the gift for the benefit of those minds that they read or rather of the thoughts that they heard. I would say that those that have this gift from God will not use it for there own benefit, because they would rather suffer lose now for the greater gain in the Heavenly realm.

Holly said...

I'm not going to lie, I've had moments of ESP, but as far as I can tell, it's not really something you can control. I've had flashes during the day, or dreams I've had at night will have been something that comes true, but it's random. Although, I'm definitely not claiming to be a psychic. I think it's just moments of extreme random empathy, to be honest.