Thursday, August 16, 2012

Rich or poor or just making it?

There are a lot of preachers on television and radio who preach that God wants you to be rich.  If that's so, why are there poor christians?  Why are there christians who are just barely making it yet they have the faith to believe that God is taking care of them. 

I believe that some christians can't handle wealth and God knows it (of course).  That they would not give the glory to God but would take the glory unto themselves.  It's entirely possible that the lack of extra money is a thorn in their flesh, much like what Paul mentioned about the thorn in his flesh that, even though he prayed that it be removed, God left it.  (2nd Corinthians 12:5-11 or so).

What I'm saying here is that God wants you rich in the spirit.  Overflowing with the wealth of His spirit.  That leads to the real riches of life eternal with God in Heaven. 

So, just because you don't have an excess of money and you don't have everything you WANT, keep in mind that you have everything you need.  Sounds like a Rolling Stones song huh.  What we need to do and what is always preached, or should be taught more often, accept your situation.  Pray that the situation ease, but live for God in the life you have.  Be a witness for Him and even though you hear preachers telling you God wants you rich, keep in mind that God wants you to be spiritually wealthy not necessarily physically wealthy.

On the other hand, God does not necessarily want you poor either.  Sometimes our lot in life is a life of austerity.  One where we have just the bare essentials, and nothing more.  Some people take the vow of poverty and glorify God in their lack of material things.  But it's not for everybody and God knows that.

I suppose it sounds like I'm saying "be content in your life and don't try to change it".  That's not what I mean.  What I am saying is that just because God doesn't give you the wealth that some preachers promise you that you deserve, and maybe you do, God knows our hearts.  He knows how we would handle wealth and that if we aren't wealthy, so what.  Glorify Him in your life and give no thought about obtaining wealth or poverty.  He will take care of you.  If He decides that you would be affected in a positive way by achieving wealth, then perhaps He will allow you to accomplish that.  In the mean time, don't stress about it.  Pray, live for Him and be a witness to others. 

God loves you and He loves me.  Love Him back.

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