Often, after seeing some unjustified event occur or something that just doesn't seem to correlate to things you've done (like being nice to somebody and something bad happening to you as a result) we say "that's not fair!"
Well, my favorite saying is Fair is where pigs to to win ribbons. Life is not fair. Life is what you make it, but keep in mind that there are times when the result of an action does not necessarily reflect the type of action involved. What do we do about it? Well we move on. We try to remain positive and look for the silver lining. And even though life is not fair, if we keep ourselves in a positive frame of mind, we can overcome that and live a life that's free if anger bitterness and wrath.
Remember in some of my other posts, I've said (rather it's said in The Secret) that like attracts like. If you look at life and think about the unfairness of it and dwell on it, you'll find that it is more often not fair. I therefore urge you to look at that unfairness and say to yourself and think to yourself that Life is good and it's getting better, then I find that life does get better. Life may still be unfair, but at least you can move on and still have a great life.
Seems kind of um disconnected perhaps, but hey I worked in stuff from The Secret. I've got other stuff I want to post from that book and I will in a bit, just not today (well probably not today)
Anyway, life isn't fair, but you can make it a good one nonetheless, keep focusing on things being better than they were, keep your mind focused on the positive.
Einstein thought that all time is happening now. That is the past, present and future is occurring right now. I find that rather interesting because it could mean that to see what the future holds is a matter of peering into that particular area of time (don't ask me how to do that, I don't know), likewise to view the past you need to do the same thing. Here's an interesting thought if you ask for something and believe that you receive it then the idea that all things in time are happening now would mean that what you asked for is yours NOW. What you asked for is in your hands now because past, present and future are happening now.
Just a thought and a veering away from the thoughts at the beginning. Should I even post this? Oh well, I'm going to anyway.
I like this. It's all about that whole idea of a self fulfilling prophecy. You get what you put in. If you keep thinking you're going to fail, then you're probably going to fail. Life isn't fair, but if it was, no one would learn any lessons. There are enough dumb people in the world already.
profreed to avoyd mispeling. din't i teech yu anniting?
God, Who is everywhere present, sees all time as now. The beginning and the end. At Church we celebrate an event and figure that through the mystery of the Church and God's working we are at the event.
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