Thursday, August 01, 2013

Okay I understand ...

I may get some static for this posting, but you have to look at the logic behind it.

I understand that some people are wired as homosexual.  It's beyond their control because that's how they are wired.  But I have to question whether or not it's natural.  I am NOT calling it a disease and I am NOT saying that homosexuals can be "healed".  I'm only saying that it's not a natural state for humans.  Humans can only reproduce through heterosexual intercourse.  2 men cannot reproduce and 2 women cannot reproduce.  If being homosexual was a natural state then both genders would be able to reproduce.  Although, the thought just occurred to me, perhaps the number of homosexuals is rising because the population of the Earth is reaching a tipping point.  If the homosexuals do not reproduce that means there could be fewer people being born on this planet thus easing or at least slowing down the potential over population of the world.

I realize also that what is normal for me may not be normal for others.  But you can't really argue with the reproductive system of humans.  It takes both genders to reproduce.  Yes I know, science has evolved enough to either artificially inseminate a woman and 2 men can adopt a child. But it still takes a sperm and an egg to make a human regardless of the sexual orientation of the humans in question.

By the way, God does NOT hate gays.  He called 2 men lying together like a man and a woman an abomination, not the people involved.  He loves the sinner, hates the sin and that applies to EVERY SIN AND SINNER and we are all sinners so I don't want you all to think I'm singling out anybody in particular.  God loves me but not some of the things I've done.  He loves the murderer, but not what the murderer has done.  You get my drift.

Of course saying everything I've said, I think that the government needs to recognize same sex couples the same way they recognize different sex couples.  It is against the Constitution of the United States to not apply the laws equally to all people (see the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States).  That's where I stand on that (as if you couldn't tell from earlier posts).

If you're going to comment, please be nice, respectful and gentle.  It is not may aim to enrage, but to discuss.


Holly said...

I think it's less about the "religious" aspect, and the realisation that it's human nature. Actually, if you really look into it, it's animal nature. Humans aren't the only animals that are subjected to the possibility of homosexuality. To say that it's "unnatural" seems a bit absurd, since homosexuality has been around longer than most religion. I think the reason why there seems to be more homosexuality these days is because there are fewer people who are afraid to be who they are, which should be a good thing, am I wrong? Why be forced to hide who you are just because someone else doesn't approve?

Dennis said...

But my point is not religious either. I threw that part about God in because some people make the assumption that God hates homosexuals, but He doesn't. Also regardless of whether other life forms on this planet are homosexual or not, it's still not the best way to propagate the species, at least as far as human propagation is concerned. The natural order seems to favor reproduction of the species after all that's how evolution of the species can occur, through reproduction and (I am NOT calling homosexuals mutations) through the mutation of genes. We are not the same as Neanderthals, we have evolved beyond that and it's through the mutations that we have become what we have become over the course of millions of years. If a species doesn't reproduce, it dies out. Now, if homosexuality was the predominate orientation then nature would have cause the evolution of same sex reproduction.

And I'm not talking about what the Bible says at this point. I have intentionally left religion out of this particular conversation.

Holly said...

Yeah, I can see that. And when it comes down to propagation of the species, then you are absolutely correct. Probably all the more reason why you'll never see a class of animals that are entirely homosexual. If there were such creatures, I'm sure they'd have died out by now. But I don't see it as a reason to discriminate (not that I think that's what you're doing at all.).

Dennis said...

I thought I had made it plain in this post and previous posts that I don't think they should be discriminated against either. And perhaps in thousands or millions of years, same genders of species will be able to reproduce as well. I also understand that the sexual orientation is a thing that's natural for whomever. For me, it's natural for me to be heterosexual and for others it's natural for them to be homosexual. Personally, and I may get some flak from church people, I have no problem with homosexual people. Every one of us are human and are part of the species Homo Sapiens.