Friday, September 01, 2017

So, here we go...

Resuming my thoughts on money...

The problem with money is that we all need it to survive.  When a person has a little bit of money, it's not unusual for them to want more. This is especially true for those who quite literally don't have enough to live on or barely enough to keep their heads above water.  They have a tendency to need and want more, rationalizing that they need it to meet all their bills.  They begin to pray for money to get things straightened out.  They ask for specific amounts praying that if He gives them that money, the first 10% off the top goes to charities that do the Lord's work and the rest to getting some bills paid off. The problem then becomes a selfish request.  Even though you are doing what the Word says "if you ask anything in my name, believing, it shall be done" (I think that's paraphrased a bit). Then you start giving thanks for everything hoping that God will reward you with more so you can get your bills taken care of.  And when you see somebody in need and you have a couple bucks in your pocket, you give it to the needy person, in the back of your mind you're doing it for your own self absorbed reasons. That becomes a hard habit to break.  You know that you have to genuinely care for the person you're giving money to and not think of what it will do for you.

These things I know first hand.  I felt it, I know the thinking because I'm trying to break that chain in my life. I keep thinking that if I'm good enough, God will give me what I've been asking for. Jesus said something to the effect that you shouldn't worry about what you're going to eat. Look at the sparrows or what you should wear, look at the lilys of the field. I have to remind myself that the good samaritan did what he did not for what he can get out of it, but because it was the right thing to do. I've got to get past the needs I feel and concentrate on the needs of others.  Even if it is only praying for them.

I am not sure how much I've said all this before, but I felt it needed to be said.  There are others out there who feel the way I do.  That have their minds in a rut like I do. Let's get out of this rut and do some good for our fellow man.

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