Saturday, April 14, 2012

Will it matter...

Many years ago, well I guess it's been about 40 years ago, I was attending high school at Yellville-Summit High School.  Posted on the wall of the lobby near the drinking fountain was a poster that posed the question "Will it matter that I was?"  What I remember, whether accurately or not it's how I remember it, is one of my teachers, Mr. Calvin Cotton, posed that question to us in class.  He asked us to answer the question and a brief reason why.   I had answered that, no, it will not matter that I was.  I felt at the time that I had not been an influence, good or bad, on anybody or anything, had not accomplished anything worthwhile and I wasn't sure I ever would.  I believe Mr. Cotton's response was that in essence I was wrong.

I look back and I answer that question over and over thinking that while I have not accomplished anything of worth for people or for the planet, that I have influenced a life or two.  My wife certainly feels that I influence her and I feel that we have influenced each other, thereby making a difference in both our lives.  My daughter Holly.  Well she's my daughter which implies that I fathered her which must mean that if I had no other influence in her life, I'm partially responsible for her being here.  She's a good girl, forgive me Holly for saying "good girl".  I think she's grown up to be responsible and she's certainly intelligent, I feel and hope that I helped her become who she is.

I have other friends that for good or bad I've touched their lives and they have touched mine.  I can't see how any of them has touched me in a bad way and I can only hope that I've touched them in a good way and not bad.  We all need encouragement, love, support and friendship and I hope I have been that way to them.

So, yes, it will matter that I was.  I may never cure cancer, or save the world, but in some small way, I have and will matter.


Kevin said...

Yes you matter. We all matter, in a good or bad way to different people. To me, you matter in a good way. Even though this internet thing is alien technology.

Dennis said...

Thanks Kevin. Years ago my answer to that would have been no. I know that you have affected mine in a good way. And the only way we could have gotten the internet was from ancient aliens!

Holly said...

Dad, I believe you had a positive influence on my life. I may not have become the stable person I've become now without your positive influence. I think someone once said that every little girl's hero should be her father, and that rings true for me too. :)

Dennis said...

Thanks Holly. You don't know what that means to me. :)