Just a disclaimer at the beginning here before I get into it.
If this were a court, all the evidence I present here would be considered hearsay and therefore could not be used in a court of law. I don't profess to have a solution. I don't even profess to have all the facts. What I bring out are the things I've heard either on the news or on the internet (which it must be true if it's on the internet doesn't it?)
In the wake of the shooting at Newtown, CT the debate on gun control has opened again. There are good arguments on both sides of that coin, but the problem is even if you were to outlaw the ownership of firearms, there are going to be people who still get them illegally. Face it there are people with guns now who got them illegally and that won't change if you ban gun ownership to the law abiding citizenry of the country. The gunman who killed 9 in Tucson, AZ a couple years ago is/was mentally unbalanced and it had not gone unnoticed but nothing was done. The shooter in Newtown was also unbalanced mentally. If I remember the reports, the shooter in Aurora and the Columbine shooters were all unbalanced as well. Yet these guys got hold of guns. Now I know, from the reports, that the shooter in Newtown probably got his guns from his mother's stash. It had also been reported that even though she was aware that her son had mental problems, she used going to the shooting range with him as a time of bonding.
So, what's the real solution?
It's been said, if we can put armed guards at our banks, where our money is, which is more important our money or our children? Interesting argument there for putting armed guards at the schools. I'm not a teacher, though I do know a couple people who are (Dee and Jennifer) so I can't speak for them but it seems to me that it might be a good idea to put armed guards on a school campus. What do you all think of that idea?
The State Attorney General of the state of Arizona suggests training one person on the safe use of a gun in marksmanship and WHEN to use it in a school. I personally don't know how well that would work. I suppose it could save some lives, but what happens if bad luck the person who's trained is the first casualty?
What about allowing the teachers and/or administration to carry concealed (after appropriate training)?
I don't know about other states, but in Arizona it's illegal to have a firearm within 1000 feet of a school zone. And it's posted all over the place "This is a tobacco free zone" and "This is a gun free zone". That just makes the schools to be easy prey.
I think the ultimate solution is to make sure that nobody who is mentally unbalanced or whatever other disqualifying thingy (sometimes words escape me regardless of how big my trap is). We obviously cannot destroy all the guns in the world. Besides even if we could, what about the other things that would then be used to kill people, like bows and arrows, crossbows, bats, clubs, hammers, screwdrivers, knives and I could go on and on. It's not the guns that's the problem, it's the ability to keep them out of the hands of those who are most likely to use them to kill innocents. Those people, not the law abiding citizens, should be kept from getting guns.
I don't know. Does that make sense? Does it stimulate your mind?
I believe there's something to be said in regards to having a person's mental stability checked prior to them owning a gun. That being said, it's not a fail safe against people like this obtaining them. I think the mental health care in the country could use a massive reworking.
I think you're right. I think that better psych screening would at least cut down on the number of mentally unstable being able to get guns, but the word is the Newtown shooter stole the gun he used. So even if he applied for a gun purchase and was refused, he still got hold of a gun and in regards to stricter gun laws, for somebody like that or somebody who is a felon or otherwise not allowed to own a fire arm, that would not stop them from getting guns, it would only stop law-abiding citizens from getting guns for protection.
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