Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Happy New Year

Well, a new year is upon us.  2013, like all new years, holds the promise of new beginnings in finances, love and emotions.  It's easy to speculate what the year is going to be like.  Frequently, at least from my perspective, the years all seem to be about the same.  They start out with the promise of good things to come, but has wound up being as bad as the previous year.  I think I'm ready for a better year and what an opportunity for that in a year that ends in 13.  I do NOT suffer from Triskaidekaphobia, which is a fear of the number 13 so I don't fear this year, though my heart goes out to those of you who do.  It will be okay.  The hard part is maintaining a positive mental outlook on the things that have previously been shown to be getting slowly worse. 

So, I resolve to read the 100 quotes from "The Secret" (Law of Attraction) every day.  This list is a list of positive things that I can repeat to myself every day to condition myself to think positively and to look positively at my life, my finances, my love life and my emotions. 

One of these things I've highlighted says "Your thoughts cause your feelings".  I find that to be true.  If I dwell on the bad things going on such as the late paycheck (he's about 3 weeks or more behind in paying us) which affects the payment of our bills, I start to get depressed.  So the idea is to think positive thoughts in the belief that doing so will make me feel better. 

I'll share more of these things with you as we go through the year.  Hopefully, it will help you as well as me to dwell on these things.

I hope you all had a great holiday season and this next year brings a lot of great things your way.


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