Thursday, January 03, 2013

Changing your emotions and pain.

First things first.  I know there are people who read my blog, and I hope you enjoy it.  If you want, you may always comment on it.  I get to moderate your comments in that I get to approve the comment for posting or not, but usually I approve it.  So if you feel the urge to make a comment, please do.

Now...A couple things today.

Number 27 on my list of 100 quotes from "The Secret" (Law of Attraction) states:

"You can change your emotion immediately by thinking something joyful or singing a song or remembering a happy experience"

I find this to be true.  There have been several times, after reading this months ago, that I feel depressed or distressed about something (usually our finances) and I sing to myself "Amazing Grace" or even "How Great Thou Art".  I find within a few minutes I feel much better and more positive.  Now these songs may not be right for you, but you have a song or 2 that makes you feel better.  The hard part is remembering to sing it to yourself when you need to.  Frankly, I don't know how to help you to remember.  I don't know how to help anybody else remember either and I didn't mean to single out Frankly.

So give that a try when you're feeling blue or stressed.

Now on to pain.  Several years ago I had some really intense pain in my back.  So much so that I had to stay home and in bed for a week.  It got better, but it was the worst pain I've ever had in my life that I can remember.  Now I have pain in my back daily, though not nearly as bad as it was back then. When I was down on my back years ago it was a 10, these days, while there's pain there it's merely 2 or 3 on that scale.  I don't complain about pain that's only a 2 or 3, I can deal with that even without ibuprofen or some other mild pain reliever.  I had an MRI done in December and my doctor went over the results with me and commented that the MRI indicates that my back is worse than what I complain about.  Well, like I said I don't complain about a 2 or 3 pain level when I remember how bad it was several years ago. Typically I deal with the pain by ignoring it or taking a break and trying to relieve it by either lying down or standing or sitting, whatever I need to do to relieve it.  Sometimes I take a Soma to relax my back muscles before going to bed. 

How do you deal with your physical pain?  What's the worst pain you've experienced (women who have children, I expect to hear it was childbirth).

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Mastication works well for me.

Except when it's the worst pain I've had, a tooth abscess.

Like you say, we readers don't always comment, however I myself like to check in on you from time to time.