Thursday, March 07, 2013

How about this?

This is something that came to mind a few nights ago.  An idea for a story.  This story would follow 3 couples in their quest for love with somebody who is forbidden.  Each couple follows a different path.
They met in secret.  They had to.  Not only was their relationship taboo, but it was also illegal.  It wasn't age, it wasn't gender, it wasn't race, it was class.  He of the patterned class and she of the lighted class.  Their only insignia of their class was the clothes they wore.  Simple, but it made each class easily discernable to the casual person.  It had to be.  It's illegal to fraternize between the classes.  The penalty for such a relationship is imprisonment and, upon release, a RFID embedded in their body so if they ever got close together again an alarm would sound and they would be picked up and sent off to opposite sides of the planet.  The third offense warrants the death penalty of one, to be executed by the other.  So, they met in secret.  Stealing their time alone.  Spending that precious time talking, kissing and getting to know each other more, yet always scared they will be found out....

It's an idea that's just working itself out.   Enjoy

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