Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A little something that has stuck with me for years

When I was in my 20s I learned a song that every now and then comes to my mind and I can't help but sing it to myself, of course, I couldn't subject anybody else to my voice that sounds like nails on a chalkboard.  Come to think of it, how many had blackboards (sometimes they were green) in their classrooms in school?  Are they whiteboards now with the dry erase markers?  Any way here's the lyrics, you'll have to search to find audio for it:

Be patient, be patient, don't be in such a hurry
When you get impatient, you only start to worry
Remember, remember, that God is patient too
And think of all the times when others had to wait for you

There are many times I sing that to myself.  While driving down the busy streets of Phoenix, or dealing with family (yes sometimes the most patience you need is when you're dealing with family).  It's a cute little ditty that holds a lot of meaning if you just remember that when you start worrying about things or the car in front of you is going too slow and you can't get around him because the traffic behind you is going around both your car and the pokey one.  I sing that and I smile, remembering the song and realizing it's not so important that I need worry about it or it's something that I've put in God's hands (taken back and worried over then given back to Him innumerable times).

I challenge you that when you start worrying about things you remember that little song and see if it doesn't calm you down just a little bit.

1 comment:

Holly said...

I'm certain your singing voice isn't that terrible. :p But I'll have to remember that. Lord knows I need something.