Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Matter of Perspective

Isn't it interesting that many things experienced in life is subject to perspective.  I was thinking of the grandkids the other day.  It's been tough on us and them for them to be living with us.  They aren't in their own beds, using their furniture, watching their movies.  For us it's tough because they are 5, 6 and 14 and we are not used to having children of that age living with us.  After all Matthew is 25 or 26 this year (Yikes!) so it's been a while since we've had a kid living with us.

Recently I've spent time thinking about how tough it is.  That at times it's a pain in the ass (forgive the expletive please).  Last night (February 13) I went to bed and just began to thank God for the opportunity to have them with us.  Thanked Him for the fact we had a place for them, that we could be there to take care of them and feed them and provide a place to sleep (even though the place to sleep is the couch) we do have enough for all 3 of them plus a room for the little dog, too. 

All it took was a shift in perspective to go from lamenting the problems, to thanking Him for them.  I don't mean to call the kids problems.  They are not, though frankly they are not angels either, but what child of 5, 6 or 14 is?  But at least we have the opportunity to help them in their time of need.

I guess I'm saying, that when you're feeling like I have, that life is kicking you while you're down, just turn your head a little and change that perspective.  See what you have and just begin to give thanks for it.  I'm sure everything will be fine and we will all have our lives back to normal shortly, but while it's not, I am going to give thanks for being able to help.

Enjoy life, remember it's the only one you have.

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