Tuesday, February 26, 2013

First in a series from "The Secret" (Law of Attraction)

I am somewhat hesitant to start posting these quotes.  I got the list from a friend who emailed them to me, so I don't actually have the book from which they come.  I have googled it and found that the author is Rhonda Byrne and published in 2006.  This information came from that unerring site called Wikipedia.com. Also here is the link to the official site http://thesecret.tv/.

The following is my opinion on the quote that I use.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, here's the first quote I have. Although I don't have page numbers on any of the quotes you'll see here.

"Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting."

If you are thinking positive thoughts, you will be attracting positive energy.  Conversely if you're thinking negative thoughts, you will be attracting negative energy.  This is like that old saying "You are what you eat".  This could be re-worded as "You are what you think".  I have found that not only will you be attracting positive energy, but you'll feel better about how things are going.  Your perspective on things will be easier to change.  This could change your whole mindset and you view of what's going on in your life.  So this quote tells me if I don't like what's going on, change what is going on in my mind.  At least that's something I have control over.  I may not have control over some of the things going on, but I can control what's going on in my mind.  I think I said that a couple times huh. 

I hope this has not been confusing, but has been at least a little helpful.


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