First I need to make a correction. In my last post regarding What a week I'm having. April's house got flooded on the 14th of January, not the 7th. It felt like the 7th and it seems like it's been longer than a month, but in reality on Valentine's Day it will be a month.
Now on to something I don't understand.
April holds 2 jobs (both part time, but she's at least working and being responsible). One of her jobs is with a school district and the other a private day care center. February 18 is President's day and we all know that the government employees (local, state and federal) have the day off. Well, it just so happens the private day care she works for will also be closed. But that's not enough, they are holding a one day meeting (mandatory of course) for their employees, which means the children that go to that day care will not be there. What I don't understand is why do they close day care on a day where 84% of the working population is still working and many of those (April included) needs day care to be open? That means that one of us (guess who) will have to take a day off to watch the kids. Why do they do it? I understand that perhaps the laws of the state require a certain amount of re-education or enhancement, whatever, but why not do it on a Saturday so those who have to work can still work rather than risk losing pay or using up vacation time to babysit. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with being off watching the children (I get about 5 weeks paid vacation a year and have never used them all) but thinking of the other parents who need to work and can't afford to take the day off are screwed. To me it just seems silly, but then I'm a silly person sometimes so oh well.
One thing to make you say "What??" A CNN news reader interviewed Bill Nye (spelling?) the Science Guy, about the asteroid that is supposed to make a pass by Earth at around 17,500 miles (inside the orbit of our geostationary satellites at 22,000+ miles) and asked him if it was "due to global warming or a metoric something else" Really?? Global warming would affect asteroids in space? That sounds nearly as odd as the representative from Georgia being concerned that an expansion of the military presence in Guam would capsize the island.
Just makes you wonder about the people we rely on for news and the people in government.
Have a great day.
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