Wednesday, August 30, 2017

A hard thing to do

    You know, one of the most difficult things to do is to give thanks for a situation that you're in that is not exactly the best situation.  Sometimes you have to stop what you're doing and look at EVERYTHING. 
    I was watching one of those pastors who have a huge church and what he said reminded me that the word says "be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication WITH THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known unto God.
    "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Phil 4:6,7 and "But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus" Phil 4:19 One last one "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I Thess 5:18
    These are hard things to do. To turn things over to God and trust that He's working on a solution.  We cannot always see God working, in fact, in my experience, I haven't seen Him working during this whole situation we're in.  Probably I'm not in the place I should be, but I don't know what place that should be. I've thought that I can get a second job, part time weekends and evenings, but so far nothing has opened up.  I will admit that I've not applied to everywhere but places you would think would be good places (wal-mart, target, CVS) would be available, but so far none have been even during the holiday season.
    Well, here's the end of this.  "In everything give thanks..." that assumes you have something to be thankful for or perhaps it's referring to "even though you're in dire straits and you feel like you;re drowning, thank God because when you get through it, and you WILL get through it, you'll be stronger in faith and God will be glorified.  So here's my list of things I'm thankful for:

1. A roof over our head
2. a way to get to work
3. we still have electricity, gas and phones
4. our cars are paid for
5. we have family here even though they vex us at times
6. we have our jobs
7. God loves us and saved us
8. we have family all over who has helped us and pray for us.
9. I am especially thankful that I have a wife who loves me and puts up with me.

    I will admit it was difficult coming up with this list, but there it is.  Pray for us that we might finally get through this and that we are doing what God wants, not what we want.

    Thank you my friends.  Those I know who read this and those who I don't know who also read this.  Thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Is money evil?

Well, it's been a while.  Have you all missed me?

Money is the root of all evil.  Or that's what a lot of people say.  But that saying is taken from the Bible and is quoted inaccurately.  The Bible says "The love of money is the root of all evil."  We are talking greed here.  The desire for more and more money over and above what is needed on which to live.  I cannot argue the fact that, in this day and time, we all need money to survive.  Without it, we are homeless and starving.  So we work for it.  We do what we can to get enough to meet our needs and, I might add, plus some.  Some may argue that having just enough money to meed your needs, that is, utility bills, food on the table, a roof over your head, gas for your car (though it could be argued that public transportation is there to replace the need for gas for your car).  No provision is made (by some) for eating out once in while.  Getting out of the house and the rut we all seem to find ourselves in.  I maintain that money used for that purpose is nearly as important as the utility bills or mortgage, though you shouldn't sacrifice the necessities for a night out on the town, no matter how bad you need it. I guess what I'm saying is having money isn't evil and using it for your benefit and for the benefit of others is a good thing.

There are times (and Cathy and I seem to find ourselves in those times frequently) when you become preoccupied with money.  These times are intensified when you don't get paid when you're supposed to and you caclulate it out and find out you're 7 weeks behind in getting paid.  This kind of stuff wreaks havoc on just trying to pay the necessities.  It is at these times when you HAVE to rely on God to provide for you.  Believe me, I've begged and pleaded for the money to pay our bills and we don't always get the money in time to NOT be late on some of them.  We've had the water turned off and then was charged $150 to get it turned back on.  Power would be the same only the charge to get it turned back on would be around $300.

I'm not asking for anything I'm just trying to convey to you the idea that the love of money is the root of all evil, and yet there are times when, due to circumstances beyond out control, we are preoccupied with getting more money.  You do what you can.  You cut things that are not necessary, you talk to your creditors and explain to them what's going on, hoping for some compassion and leeway in getting them paid.  One of the worst things is when you need to see a doctor, you have a high deductible that has to be met before the insurance company starts paying. Or when your car needs tires or service but, because of the inconsistant pay, you cannot take care of those things right away.

The love of money is the root of all evil, but all of us is aware of the necessity of having enough and how easy it is to get preoccupied by it.  I'm learning (re-learning because I used to know this) that God provides for all our needs we just need to let go and let God.  Faith is the key, though hard work and perseverance are not discounted.

So if you're in a tight spot, not enough bread coming into the coffers, and things are rough. Remember God knows how many hairs are on your head.  He cares for the birds of the air and aren't we more than them?

God Bless you  all.