Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Part 6 or You've been anxiously awaiting part 6

How many of you remember part 5?  That few? Well just scroll down and read it again. I know it's been a while so I'll be patient (patiently tapping my fingers on the table). ho hum.....

"We will start with the upstairs since you've seen much of the down stairs."

He led the way up the stairs to the upper levels of the mansion.  As we went I noticed that there were more and more things just lying around. I don't mean like statues and paintings and art of any kind, unless you include Bazooka Joe bubble gum wrappers art (which I do but I'm in the minority in that). I mean there was used glasses, plates, flatware and trash all over the place.

When we got to the top of the stairs, we were nearly knee deep in discarded napkins, paper towels, milk cartons (oh look there's one with a picture of me on it and I didn't even realize I was missing). Wait a minute, I'm NOT missing, I'm right here, in the CLIMB Mansion taking a tour with our rather tall and Nordic looking host. I looked at the date that the carton said I had been missing since and found out it was today's date! I turned around and found that not only was I knee deep in trash but there were about 5 of those gray creatures (I'll just call them Abba because I liked their music and wished to honor them in some way so now all the gray ones are called "abba".  As I was saying I had turned around and discovered 5 of those abbas were following us and one of them carried a long cylindrical device that, I'm sure I have no idea what it's used for.

Bob turned around and said "Oh don't worry about them, they are just used for moving things or well, people." With that, I started to feel lighter and stiffer. As I looked around I realized that I didn't want to be stuck in an undignified position so I tried to stand straight and tall but just as I was about to, I realized I had stepped in some gum and was bending over to remove it from my shoe when the stiffness became total.  Just visualize somebody with one foot up on one's knee and a string of gum stretching from the shoe to the floor and a hand digging at the shoe trying to get the gum off and your face frozen like you were thinking "ewww gross" and you'd have a picture of me at that moment. Which also was the picture used on the milk carton, by the way.

The next thing I knew I was floating above the trash on the floor and by trash I mean trash, no like what some people call other people simply because they aren't the same as they are and I think I am beginning to confuse myself.  Regardless I'm floating above the debris on the floor and Bob is calmly standing there about 3 feet above the mess and waving at the guests having a fine time with some looking at me and taking pictures.  I wonder how long I'll be missing? Oh well other things to think about, like what is that one abba going to do with that shiny cylinder?  Finally we float out an open window and into a room that looks like a laboratory.  The abba with the cylinder approached me and stopped just as he was about to pull the seat of my pants off. The other 4 abbas all confirmed and decided to rip the seat of my pants off anyway but then they put it back right side up so my wallet wouldn't keep falling out of it.  That seemed awful nice.  Then the abba with the object (cylindrical in case you forgot) approached my bung hole (which if you google it you'll find it has something to do with a hole in a cask of wine or liquor and NOT what you initially thought. After all this is a family show.