Drama Queen as defined in the online Urban Dictionary
"an overly dramatic person" That seems a rather simple definition. Somebody who blows things out of proportion. There must be a purpose to drama queens. I mean they exist everywhere. Most of us don't like the drama that comes from those drama queens. By the way, a drama queen can be male or female so just because it says "queen" don't feel like you're immune guys. The thing about drama queens is that you can't take them seriously. You have to take them with a grain (maybe pound) of salt. When they say something outrageous or post something on social media that is just absurd you have a couple choices. You can ignore it and move on or you can react to it and blow a gasket (thinking of changing my name to gasket, oops, sorry for that one it just slipped out). Personally I choose to ignore those social media postings from the drama queens I know. Some drama queens know they are one, but I don't think it's easy to turn off even if you're aware of the fact that you are one.
The one thing I ask for from those of you who KNOW you're a drama queen is restraint. When dealing with me and my family and my house and such, please DO NOT post your drama. That's what I mean by restraint. You may certainly post anything you want to post, I am just asking that you withhold the drama when it's involving me, my family, my house, cars or anything else that concerns me.
Anyway, I wanted to get that off my chest. Y'all have a wonderful day.
Friday, November 08, 2013
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
The Blame Game..
Today, October1, 2013, the U. S. Government is on a limited shutdown.
I think it takes a man and character to accept responsibility for his own actions. President Truman had a sign on his desk that said "The Buck Stops Here" because he knew that ultimately he was responsible for what the government did. This president seems to think that "The Buck Passes By Here". He has accepted no responsibility for anything his administration has done. Instead he plays the blame game by blaming the previous administration or republicans. Following his previous tact, he gets on the radio and tv and blamed the republicans, specifically the Tea Party Republicans in the House of Representatives for the government shutdown.
So whose fault is it? Spending bills are supposed to originate in the House. So the House passes a spending bill that de-funds the Affordable Healthcare Act. The Senate passes the bill without the amentment on defunding the Act and it goes back to the House. The House inserts an amendment that delays the implementation of the Health Care Exchanges for one year. The Senate sat on it for a while and rejected it. Both instances, the President said he would veto the bill. So the House passes a bill that it KNOWS the Senate would reject. The Senate rejects the bill KNOWING that the House will try again, but offers no compromise. The President just talks. The President offers no compromises. He's allowed the businesses to delay their implementation until 2014 or 2015, so what's the problem with delaying the exchanges for one more year. Maybe it'd give it enough time for bugs to be worked out. Okay there's the argument that by delaying it, it would keep people who really need the coverage to be another year without it. There has to be a compromise that can be reached that everybody hates but it would be something. It would show that both parties can work together to do the will of their constituents. I heard that from 58% to 70% of the people in this country do NOT want Obamacare). If those figures are correct, then who is doing the will of the people?
I just lose respect for people who, while being part of the problem take no responsibility for their part in the situation. And that's regardless of who they are. I have respect for the Office of the President, but sometimes I have no respect for the man in the office.
I'm not sure that the above makes a lot of sense, but there it is.
***UPDATE October 2, 2013***
Apparently one of the provisions in the bill sent from the House to the Senate on September 30 was to force BOTH houses of Congress to abide by the Affordable Care Act. Meaning they (Congress and it's staff) could not get waivers to opt OUT of ObamaCare. The Senate rejected the bill again.
I thought that was interesting enough to add to this post.
I think it takes a man and character to accept responsibility for his own actions. President Truman had a sign on his desk that said "The Buck Stops Here" because he knew that ultimately he was responsible for what the government did. This president seems to think that "The Buck Passes By Here". He has accepted no responsibility for anything his administration has done. Instead he plays the blame game by blaming the previous administration or republicans. Following his previous tact, he gets on the radio and tv and blamed the republicans, specifically the Tea Party Republicans in the House of Representatives for the government shutdown.
So whose fault is it? Spending bills are supposed to originate in the House. So the House passes a spending bill that de-funds the Affordable Healthcare Act. The Senate passes the bill without the amentment on defunding the Act and it goes back to the House. The House inserts an amendment that delays the implementation of the Health Care Exchanges for one year. The Senate sat on it for a while and rejected it. Both instances, the President said he would veto the bill. So the House passes a bill that it KNOWS the Senate would reject. The Senate rejects the bill KNOWING that the House will try again, but offers no compromise. The President just talks. The President offers no compromises. He's allowed the businesses to delay their implementation until 2014 or 2015, so what's the problem with delaying the exchanges for one more year. Maybe it'd give it enough time for bugs to be worked out. Okay there's the argument that by delaying it, it would keep people who really need the coverage to be another year without it. There has to be a compromise that can be reached that everybody hates but it would be something. It would show that both parties can work together to do the will of their constituents. I heard that from 58% to 70% of the people in this country do NOT want Obamacare). If those figures are correct, then who is doing the will of the people?
I just lose respect for people who, while being part of the problem take no responsibility for their part in the situation. And that's regardless of who they are. I have respect for the Office of the President, but sometimes I have no respect for the man in the office.
I'm not sure that the above makes a lot of sense, but there it is.
***UPDATE October 2, 2013***
Apparently one of the provisions in the bill sent from the House to the Senate on September 30 was to force BOTH houses of Congress to abide by the Affordable Care Act. Meaning they (Congress and it's staff) could not get waivers to opt OUT of ObamaCare. The Senate rejected the bill again.
I thought that was interesting enough to add to this post.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
He had a dream...We should all have that same dream
On August 28, 1963, I was 5 years old. While I was old enough, I don't recall watching or hearing Dr. King's speech. Today, I went to youtube and viewed and listened to the speech. Here it is (the link anyway)
I am not qualified to say much about this speech. I will say this. Dr. King was a man for all people in this country. Not just the African-Americans, but whites and Asians and Hispanic and all people in this country. I believe that while there is still racism in this country, it's not something that condoned by the government as it was 50 years ago.
Enjoy the video.
You cannot click that link (apparently) so copy and paste the link and you will be taken to the video.
I am not qualified to say much about this speech. I will say this. Dr. King was a man for all people in this country. Not just the African-Americans, but whites and Asians and Hispanic and all people in this country. I believe that while there is still racism in this country, it's not something that condoned by the government as it was 50 years ago.
Enjoy the video.
You cannot click that link (apparently) so copy and paste the link and you will be taken to the video.
Thursday, August 01, 2013
Okay I understand ...
I may get some static for this posting, but you have to look at the logic behind it.
I understand that some people are wired as homosexual. It's beyond their control because that's how they are wired. But I have to question whether or not it's natural. I am NOT calling it a disease and I am NOT saying that homosexuals can be "healed". I'm only saying that it's not a natural state for humans. Humans can only reproduce through heterosexual intercourse. 2 men cannot reproduce and 2 women cannot reproduce. If being homosexual was a natural state then both genders would be able to reproduce. Although, the thought just occurred to me, perhaps the number of homosexuals is rising because the population of the Earth is reaching a tipping point. If the homosexuals do not reproduce that means there could be fewer people being born on this planet thus easing or at least slowing down the potential over population of the world.
I realize also that what is normal for me may not be normal for others. But you can't really argue with the reproductive system of humans. It takes both genders to reproduce. Yes I know, science has evolved enough to either artificially inseminate a woman and 2 men can adopt a child. But it still takes a sperm and an egg to make a human regardless of the sexual orientation of the humans in question.
By the way, God does NOT hate gays. He called 2 men lying together like a man and a woman an abomination, not the people involved. He loves the sinner, hates the sin and that applies to EVERY SIN AND SINNER and we are all sinners so I don't want you all to think I'm singling out anybody in particular. God loves me but not some of the things I've done. He loves the murderer, but not what the murderer has done. You get my drift.
Of course saying everything I've said, I think that the government needs to recognize same sex couples the same way they recognize different sex couples. It is against the Constitution of the United States to not apply the laws equally to all people (see the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States). That's where I stand on that (as if you couldn't tell from earlier posts).
If you're going to comment, please be nice, respectful and gentle. It is not may aim to enrage, but to discuss.
I understand that some people are wired as homosexual. It's beyond their control because that's how they are wired. But I have to question whether or not it's natural. I am NOT calling it a disease and I am NOT saying that homosexuals can be "healed". I'm only saying that it's not a natural state for humans. Humans can only reproduce through heterosexual intercourse. 2 men cannot reproduce and 2 women cannot reproduce. If being homosexual was a natural state then both genders would be able to reproduce. Although, the thought just occurred to me, perhaps the number of homosexuals is rising because the population of the Earth is reaching a tipping point. If the homosexuals do not reproduce that means there could be fewer people being born on this planet thus easing or at least slowing down the potential over population of the world.
I realize also that what is normal for me may not be normal for others. But you can't really argue with the reproductive system of humans. It takes both genders to reproduce. Yes I know, science has evolved enough to either artificially inseminate a woman and 2 men can adopt a child. But it still takes a sperm and an egg to make a human regardless of the sexual orientation of the humans in question.
By the way, God does NOT hate gays. He called 2 men lying together like a man and a woman an abomination, not the people involved. He loves the sinner, hates the sin and that applies to EVERY SIN AND SINNER and we are all sinners so I don't want you all to think I'm singling out anybody in particular. God loves me but not some of the things I've done. He loves the murderer, but not what the murderer has done. You get my drift.
Of course saying everything I've said, I think that the government needs to recognize same sex couples the same way they recognize different sex couples. It is against the Constitution of the United States to not apply the laws equally to all people (see the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States). That's where I stand on that (as if you couldn't tell from earlier posts).
If you're going to comment, please be nice, respectful and gentle. It is not may aim to enrage, but to discuss.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Something that may be controversial...
But please everybody be civil and no hate responses.
Some of you may think I'm a heretic, but the question of gay marriage has 2 aspects to it. One aspect is the religious aspect that being gay is an abomination. I believe that the actual abomination is the sexual act of a man lying down with a man in the same manner as a man with a woman (look at Lev 20:13), but if you follow that law then you must kill the 2 men who laid together as a man would with a woman. Oh and you should kill adulterers. Leviticus, which is often quoted in the argument that being gay is a sin, states that many of the sexual acts that occur today are punishable by death. So the rightness or wrongness of being gay or lesbian or whatever is a religious issue and as we all know, the government may make no law regarding the establishment of religion or the free exercise thereof (first amendment to the Constitution of the United States).
While you may disapprove of gay marriage on religious grounds, can you separate the argument from the legal aspect of the argument? Because the Supreme court basically said, it's up to the people not the federal government and that the Defense of Marriage Act discriminates against a set of people in the land. If you look at it legally, the couples want the same rights that other couples get when they pay their taxes or dealing with estates or government benefits. If you're against same sex marriage, then you are saying (intentionally or unintentionally) that they don't have and shouldn't have the same rights as straight people. Under DOMA those rights were kept from them. Basically the Supreme Court said that congress over stepped it's bounds by treating one group of citizens differently than others and under the 14th amendment, all laws are to be applied equally to all people (unless you're a member of congress or the senate - that's just my 2 cents there). The supreme court did leave it up to the states and the people of those states to either have or have not same sex marriage.
One of the arguments made regarding the banning of same sex marriage is that it will undermine traditional marriage and traditional families. I'd like to see that argument.
Now the Paula Dean thing. I only have one thing to say "Let he (or she) who is without sin cast the first stone." Kind of funny that that's what she said on the Today show this morning (this morning being the morning of June 26, 2013).
Here's my disclaimer:
I don't condone the use of the N word nor do I necessarily condone the telling of sexist or racist jokes.
Some of you may think I'm a heretic, but the question of gay marriage has 2 aspects to it. One aspect is the religious aspect that being gay is an abomination. I believe that the actual abomination is the sexual act of a man lying down with a man in the same manner as a man with a woman (look at Lev 20:13), but if you follow that law then you must kill the 2 men who laid together as a man would with a woman. Oh and you should kill adulterers. Leviticus, which is often quoted in the argument that being gay is a sin, states that many of the sexual acts that occur today are punishable by death. So the rightness or wrongness of being gay or lesbian or whatever is a religious issue and as we all know, the government may make no law regarding the establishment of religion or the free exercise thereof (first amendment to the Constitution of the United States).
While you may disapprove of gay marriage on religious grounds, can you separate the argument from the legal aspect of the argument? Because the Supreme court basically said, it's up to the people not the federal government and that the Defense of Marriage Act discriminates against a set of people in the land. If you look at it legally, the couples want the same rights that other couples get when they pay their taxes or dealing with estates or government benefits. If you're against same sex marriage, then you are saying (intentionally or unintentionally) that they don't have and shouldn't have the same rights as straight people. Under DOMA those rights were kept from them. Basically the Supreme Court said that congress over stepped it's bounds by treating one group of citizens differently than others and under the 14th amendment, all laws are to be applied equally to all people (unless you're a member of congress or the senate - that's just my 2 cents there). The supreme court did leave it up to the states and the people of those states to either have or have not same sex marriage.
One of the arguments made regarding the banning of same sex marriage is that it will undermine traditional marriage and traditional families. I'd like to see that argument.
Now the Paula Dean thing. I only have one thing to say "Let he (or she) who is without sin cast the first stone." Kind of funny that that's what she said on the Today show this morning (this morning being the morning of June 26, 2013).
Here's my disclaimer:
I don't condone the use of the N word nor do I necessarily condone the telling of sexist or racist jokes.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
It was quite a trip.
As some of you may know and most of you don't know and probably all of you could not care less, I went on a weeks vacation to visit my daughter Holly in Boston. The time I spent there was very nice. The weather was a bit on the wet side for the first 4 days or so, but it cleared up nicely for a jaunt through Boston on Thursday with some of that time spent among dead people and some of that time in a park where they used to hang witches. I did not actually see the hanging tree, but I was assured that it was there.We spent a good amount of time looking at the sights. Here's a picture of something that we don't see much of here in Phoenix, well I don't see much of it, if you water your lawn you may see some of it.
If my memory serves me correctly, that's clover. And look here's a huge shade tree. Okay, maybe not, it was coming out sideways and trust me, the tree was not sideways.
Anyway, we had a good time together. It was good to see Holly and meet all her roommates, who seem to be very nice people. It was good to meet Angie, who was kind enough to drive us anywhere we wanted to go. And Jason, who I got to meet. He seems to be a nice young man. And, of course Chris. I enjoyed spending time with Holly and Chris, both of whom seem to have a peculiarly strange sense of humor. I have no idea where Holly gets it, maybe she gets it from Chris? Could be. Chris is a nice guy who knows what he wants and is on the track to getting those things. I just hope I was not a burden to them with all my whining and my demands on their time.
Now, the visit there was very VERY nice. It was relaxing and, dare I say fun? The trip there and back was an adventure unto itself. When I had decided to buy the tickets to go to Boston, I made the decision that I did not want to have to worry about making connecting flights. While the trip there and back were not non-stop, I had made it so I did not have to change planes. Or that's what I thought anyway. On my way to Boston on the 8th of June, the first leg of the journey was Phoenix to Denver. The flight was uneventful from the aspect of the passengers, but apparently those who were in charge of flying this death trap, I mean airplane had a different view than we did. It really was NOT a death trap, sometimes I embellish things so you have to understand that "death trap" is merely and embellishment of the plane. Though under the wrong circumstances, it could be called a death trap after all you're thousands of feet in the air with nothing below you except the cargo hold. But I digress. Oh yeah, I wanted to start a magazine for those whose minds tend to stray called "I Digress", but my mind wandered and I haven't done that yet. Oh yeah my trip to Denver, rather to Boston via Denver. When we landed we were told that we needed to take our belongings and get off the plane as there were "mechanical difficulties". Such a broad statement. Does that mean we were about to lose our cargo hold (the only thing saving us from a firey plunge to the hard ground below us) or was a windshield wiper not functioning correctly? Personally I vote for the wipers. Any way, we left the plane and were told it should be 3 pm when we can get back on board and continue the flight of fancy to Boston. This was at 11 am so we had a nice 4 hour delay in Denver where you could walk around an see the sights inside the Denver airport. I was truly astounded at the lack of eateries in the area where our gate was. I believe there were 2 places you could get something to eat and one coffee shop and a store to buy Denver stuff. We were expected to land in Boston at something like 530 local time, but it turned out to be 930. It was a long flight and I believe I spent 12 hours in the airports or airplane that day. Surely the trip back would be different. And it was.
Leaving Boston was an adventure. The plane was due to take off at 530 pm and I would arrive in Phoenix at 930 pm with a brief stop in Chicago to boot passengers off and allow new ones on. We got on the plane and got pushed back from the gate about 10 minutes late. Eh, that's fine, what's 10 minutes, that can be easily made up in the air. We started taxing (taxiing?) to the runway and it started to rain. Now I had seen lightning flash while still in the terminal, but planes can fly in the rain (otherwise how would anybody ever get to Seattle?) While we were out there waiting for our turn to turn on the jets and take flight like a long metal tube just flung into the air, it started to hail. I could hear it, but I didn't see how big it was. We were ordered BACK to the gate to have the plane checked for damage. I called Holly and informed her that I was indeed, in Boston. We were informed that 3 other planes needed to be checked, but our plane was first in line and that it would be about an hour. Over all, we departed Boston about 3 hours late. Too bad for those making connecting flights in Chicago, but I was already on mine. At least I didn't have to worry about missing my plane. We got to Chicago without incident and kicked off many people and brought on many more. We took off in a timely fashion and sailed our way to Phoenix. When we got here, we spent a good 30 minutes waiting for the plane that had rudely taken our gate to move it shiny metal ass out of the way so we could move in. So after spending another 12 hours in airports or airplanes yesterday (June 17) I finally made it home around 130 this morning.
While the visit with Holly and her gang was a pleasant experience, out of the 10 days I was away from home, one of those days (24 hours roughly) was spent in the confines of an airplane or the airport. Makes me wonder if perhaps driving would be better.
If my memory serves me correctly, that's clover. And look here's a huge shade tree. Okay, maybe not, it was coming out sideways and trust me, the tree was not sideways.
Anyway, we had a good time together. It was good to see Holly and meet all her roommates, who seem to be very nice people. It was good to meet Angie, who was kind enough to drive us anywhere we wanted to go. And Jason, who I got to meet. He seems to be a nice young man. And, of course Chris. I enjoyed spending time with Holly and Chris, both of whom seem to have a peculiarly strange sense of humor. I have no idea where Holly gets it, maybe she gets it from Chris? Could be. Chris is a nice guy who knows what he wants and is on the track to getting those things. I just hope I was not a burden to them with all my whining and my demands on their time.
Now, the visit there was very VERY nice. It was relaxing and, dare I say fun? The trip there and back was an adventure unto itself. When I had decided to buy the tickets to go to Boston, I made the decision that I did not want to have to worry about making connecting flights. While the trip there and back were not non-stop, I had made it so I did not have to change planes. Or that's what I thought anyway. On my way to Boston on the 8th of June, the first leg of the journey was Phoenix to Denver. The flight was uneventful from the aspect of the passengers, but apparently those who were in charge of flying this death trap, I mean airplane had a different view than we did. It really was NOT a death trap, sometimes I embellish things so you have to understand that "death trap" is merely and embellishment of the plane. Though under the wrong circumstances, it could be called a death trap after all you're thousands of feet in the air with nothing below you except the cargo hold. But I digress. Oh yeah, I wanted to start a magazine for those whose minds tend to stray called "I Digress", but my mind wandered and I haven't done that yet. Oh yeah my trip to Denver, rather to Boston via Denver. When we landed we were told that we needed to take our belongings and get off the plane as there were "mechanical difficulties". Such a broad statement. Does that mean we were about to lose our cargo hold (the only thing saving us from a firey plunge to the hard ground below us) or was a windshield wiper not functioning correctly? Personally I vote for the wipers. Any way, we left the plane and were told it should be 3 pm when we can get back on board and continue the flight of fancy to Boston. This was at 11 am so we had a nice 4 hour delay in Denver where you could walk around an see the sights inside the Denver airport. I was truly astounded at the lack of eateries in the area where our gate was. I believe there were 2 places you could get something to eat and one coffee shop and a store to buy Denver stuff. We were expected to land in Boston at something like 530 local time, but it turned out to be 930. It was a long flight and I believe I spent 12 hours in the airports or airplane that day. Surely the trip back would be different. And it was.
Leaving Boston was an adventure. The plane was due to take off at 530 pm and I would arrive in Phoenix at 930 pm with a brief stop in Chicago to boot passengers off and allow new ones on. We got on the plane and got pushed back from the gate about 10 minutes late. Eh, that's fine, what's 10 minutes, that can be easily made up in the air. We started taxing (taxiing?) to the runway and it started to rain. Now I had seen lightning flash while still in the terminal, but planes can fly in the rain (otherwise how would anybody ever get to Seattle?) While we were out there waiting for our turn to turn on the jets and take flight like a long metal tube just flung into the air, it started to hail. I could hear it, but I didn't see how big it was. We were ordered BACK to the gate to have the plane checked for damage. I called Holly and informed her that I was indeed, in Boston. We were informed that 3 other planes needed to be checked, but our plane was first in line and that it would be about an hour. Over all, we departed Boston about 3 hours late. Too bad for those making connecting flights in Chicago, but I was already on mine. At least I didn't have to worry about missing my plane. We got to Chicago without incident and kicked off many people and brought on many more. We took off in a timely fashion and sailed our way to Phoenix. When we got here, we spent a good 30 minutes waiting for the plane that had rudely taken our gate to move it shiny metal ass out of the way so we could move in. So after spending another 12 hours in airports or airplanes yesterday (June 17) I finally made it home around 130 this morning.
While the visit with Holly and her gang was a pleasant experience, out of the 10 days I was away from home, one of those days (24 hours roughly) was spent in the confines of an airplane or the airport. Makes me wonder if perhaps driving would be better.
Monday, April 15, 2013
A couple things I'd like to see in baseball broadcasts
I like watching baseball especially if it includes my home team the Arizona Diamondbacks. While watching the games this past weekend, I had a couple thoughts that would make viewing a baseball game on television a little more interesting.
1. Put a camera on the heads of all the umpires. The calls at each of the bases and the strikes and balls would be interesting to see what the umpire saw when he made the call. Wouldn't it be cool to see a close play at the plate from the eyes of the home plate umpire? I think it would be cool
2. Apparently even though the strike zone goes from the knees to the chest and is the width of the plate, it is not a static thing. It varies by umpire and sometimes by pitch. The other day there was a strike call on a pitch that was clearly outside. It was off the plate by a foot, yet it was called a strike. A strike zone that is fluid confounds the pitcher and the hitter. At least if you're not going to stick to the traditional strike zone, be consistent about the calls. So what I'd like to see, is in the broadcast of the game when they show the balls and strikes with the strike zone thing. You know what I'm talking about come one help me out here lol. I'd like to see two strike zones shown. I'd like to see the strike zone according to the rule book and the strike zone as called by the umpire. I think that would be a cool thing to see too.
That's the 2 things I'd like to see, both would be interesting
1. Put a camera on the heads of all the umpires. The calls at each of the bases and the strikes and balls would be interesting to see what the umpire saw when he made the call. Wouldn't it be cool to see a close play at the plate from the eyes of the home plate umpire? I think it would be cool
2. Apparently even though the strike zone goes from the knees to the chest and is the width of the plate, it is not a static thing. It varies by umpire and sometimes by pitch. The other day there was a strike call on a pitch that was clearly outside. It was off the plate by a foot, yet it was called a strike. A strike zone that is fluid confounds the pitcher and the hitter. At least if you're not going to stick to the traditional strike zone, be consistent about the calls. So what I'd like to see, is in the broadcast of the game when they show the balls and strikes with the strike zone thing. You know what I'm talking about come one help me out here lol. I'd like to see two strike zones shown. I'd like to see the strike zone according to the rule book and the strike zone as called by the umpire. I think that would be a cool thing to see too.
That's the 2 things I'd like to see, both would be interesting
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Fairness in Life
Often, after seeing some unjustified event occur or something that just doesn't seem to correlate to things you've done (like being nice to somebody and something bad happening to you as a result) we say "that's not fair!"
Well, my favorite saying is Fair is where pigs to to win ribbons. Life is not fair. Life is what you make it, but keep in mind that there are times when the result of an action does not necessarily reflect the type of action involved. What do we do about it? Well we move on. We try to remain positive and look for the silver lining. And even though life is not fair, if we keep ourselves in a positive frame of mind, we can overcome that and live a life that's free if anger bitterness and wrath.
Remember in some of my other posts, I've said (rather it's said in The Secret) that like attracts like. If you look at life and think about the unfairness of it and dwell on it, you'll find that it is more often not fair. I therefore urge you to look at that unfairness and say to yourself and think to yourself that Life is good and it's getting better, then I find that life does get better. Life may still be unfair, but at least you can move on and still have a great life.
Seems kind of um disconnected perhaps, but hey I worked in stuff from The Secret. I've got other stuff I want to post from that book and I will in a bit, just not today (well probably not today)
Anyway, life isn't fair, but you can make it a good one nonetheless, keep focusing on things being better than they were, keep your mind focused on the positive.
Einstein thought that all time is happening now. That is the past, present and future is occurring right now. I find that rather interesting because it could mean that to see what the future holds is a matter of peering into that particular area of time (don't ask me how to do that, I don't know), likewise to view the past you need to do the same thing. Here's an interesting thought if you ask for something and believe that you receive it then the idea that all things in time are happening now would mean that what you asked for is yours NOW. What you asked for is in your hands now because past, present and future are happening now.
Just a thought and a veering away from the thoughts at the beginning. Should I even post this? Oh well, I'm going to anyway.
Well, my favorite saying is Fair is where pigs to to win ribbons. Life is not fair. Life is what you make it, but keep in mind that there are times when the result of an action does not necessarily reflect the type of action involved. What do we do about it? Well we move on. We try to remain positive and look for the silver lining. And even though life is not fair, if we keep ourselves in a positive frame of mind, we can overcome that and live a life that's free if anger bitterness and wrath.
Remember in some of my other posts, I've said (rather it's said in The Secret) that like attracts like. If you look at life and think about the unfairness of it and dwell on it, you'll find that it is more often not fair. I therefore urge you to look at that unfairness and say to yourself and think to yourself that Life is good and it's getting better, then I find that life does get better. Life may still be unfair, but at least you can move on and still have a great life.
Seems kind of um disconnected perhaps, but hey I worked in stuff from The Secret. I've got other stuff I want to post from that book and I will in a bit, just not today (well probably not today)
Anyway, life isn't fair, but you can make it a good one nonetheless, keep focusing on things being better than they were, keep your mind focused on the positive.
Einstein thought that all time is happening now. That is the past, present and future is occurring right now. I find that rather interesting because it could mean that to see what the future holds is a matter of peering into that particular area of time (don't ask me how to do that, I don't know), likewise to view the past you need to do the same thing. Here's an interesting thought if you ask for something and believe that you receive it then the idea that all things in time are happening now would mean that what you asked for is yours NOW. What you asked for is in your hands now because past, present and future are happening now.
Just a thought and a veering away from the thoughts at the beginning. Should I even post this? Oh well, I'm going to anyway.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Regardless of your feelings...
In the are of the same sex marriage issue.
The issue before the Supreme Court is whether the California law Proposition 8 is legal. In that can the people of California, or any other state for that matter, change or make marriage laws. The other thing the court is going to hear is whether or not the Defense of Marriage Act is legal or not.
Personally, I don't think anybody, individual or governmental, has the right to tell anybody they cannot get married. It should be a union between people. Please note that we are all people. We are made of the same stuff. We bleed red when we're cut regardless of our skin color, religious beliefs, gender or anything else. I've said it before, the government should have not say in marriage. If 2 men or 2 women want to get married, why not? I know some of you are going to say, "God forbids homosexuality", I think the wording bans sodomy. I think the Old Testament bans men lying with men and women with women. Though Jesus said "I did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it" Meaning He came to be the ultimate sacrifice for all sinners. Many preachers tell us that we don't live under the dispensation of the law, but the dispensation of grace. Jesus was tolerant. Did He stone the prostitute? Did He shun the lepers? Did He hate the tax collectors? No, the only time Jesus, pardon the wording, but I think it fits well enough, threw a fit was when the money changers were in the temple grounds selling sacrificial animals and, probably, gouging those who needed them.
I said all that basically to say, it's none of my business if gays and lesbians want to get married. If the government has to be involved, then let the States figure it out. By the way, recent polls that have come out say that more than 50% of the people polled are okay with gay marriage. I know, I know that doesn't make it right. But tell me how would gay marriage destroy or harm society?
I think the Supreme Court should rule that a state should have the right to determine who gets married and the Federal Government should keep their nose out of it, thereby ruling that proposition 8 is okay, but the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional.
Live long and prosper y'all (A Vulcan from the southern part of the planet Vulcan)
The issue before the Supreme Court is whether the California law Proposition 8 is legal. In that can the people of California, or any other state for that matter, change or make marriage laws. The other thing the court is going to hear is whether or not the Defense of Marriage Act is legal or not.
Personally, I don't think anybody, individual or governmental, has the right to tell anybody they cannot get married. It should be a union between people. Please note that we are all people. We are made of the same stuff. We bleed red when we're cut regardless of our skin color, religious beliefs, gender or anything else. I've said it before, the government should have not say in marriage. If 2 men or 2 women want to get married, why not? I know some of you are going to say, "God forbids homosexuality", I think the wording bans sodomy. I think the Old Testament bans men lying with men and women with women. Though Jesus said "I did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it" Meaning He came to be the ultimate sacrifice for all sinners. Many preachers tell us that we don't live under the dispensation of the law, but the dispensation of grace. Jesus was tolerant. Did He stone the prostitute? Did He shun the lepers? Did He hate the tax collectors? No, the only time Jesus, pardon the wording, but I think it fits well enough, threw a fit was when the money changers were in the temple grounds selling sacrificial animals and, probably, gouging those who needed them.
I said all that basically to say, it's none of my business if gays and lesbians want to get married. If the government has to be involved, then let the States figure it out. By the way, recent polls that have come out say that more than 50% of the people polled are okay with gay marriage. I know, I know that doesn't make it right. But tell me how would gay marriage destroy or harm society?
I think the Supreme Court should rule that a state should have the right to determine who gets married and the Federal Government should keep their nose out of it, thereby ruling that proposition 8 is okay, but the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional.
Live long and prosper y'all (A Vulcan from the southern part of the planet Vulcan)
Friday, March 22, 2013
Spring is here
Well, spring is here. It got here quietly here in Arizona. It was heralded with warm weather (mid to upper 80s) and clear skies (skys?).
Spring is a time of renewal and hope. It's when the plants wake up from their winter nap and blossom and bud and shoot pollen into the air so we can all partake of their fragrances (and sneeze our heads off and spend hundreds of dollars on allergy medicine). Around here it's time for the rattlesnakes and spiders and scorpions to wake up and stretch their legs (well except for the snakes, they don't have legs, but then you knew that didn't you). We live in a well populated part of the city so the scorpions and rattlesnakes I don't worry about. We have lizards in the back yard and they take care of other little critters (insects and such). It's also a time when the weather gets "nice". Around here that means it's a week or 2 of 80s then straight up to 90s and doesn't stop until it's over 110 during the summer.
Most importantly, even more so than the plants and animals and the weather is the baseball season. That's right baseball. By the way congratulations to the Dominican Republic for winning the World Baseball Classic. They went undefeated if I heard correctly. Baseball. I don't care what anybody says, it's America's pasttime. It's a time when all the teams are even and everybody from the Yankees and Giants down to the D'backs and Astros have hopes and their sites set on winning the World Series. On April 1st all the teams will have the same chance to win. The fans all believe their team WILL win. Baseball season is a time when we can partially divert our attention from the bad news that's going on and check the box scores to see how our team did. Why else was it important for baseball to go on during World War II? The events of 911 did not stop the season, but merely delayed things for a week or so. Why? Because we need the distraction. We need the time to take our brains out and just watch men try to hit a little ball that's thrown upwards to over 100 mph and try to hit it with a stick. We revel in it. We cheer each win and feel down with each loss.
I like spring. It's the best time for the weather and it's the best time for baseball. I hope each and every one of you have a team you can root for and spend at least a few minutes every day for the next 6 months away from the cares of the world and enjoy a good game.
Spring is a time of renewal and hope. It's when the plants wake up from their winter nap and blossom and bud and shoot pollen into the air so we can all partake of their fragrances (and sneeze our heads off and spend hundreds of dollars on allergy medicine). Around here it's time for the rattlesnakes and spiders and scorpions to wake up and stretch their legs (well except for the snakes, they don't have legs, but then you knew that didn't you). We live in a well populated part of the city so the scorpions and rattlesnakes I don't worry about. We have lizards in the back yard and they take care of other little critters (insects and such). It's also a time when the weather gets "nice". Around here that means it's a week or 2 of 80s then straight up to 90s and doesn't stop until it's over 110 during the summer.
Most importantly, even more so than the plants and animals and the weather is the baseball season. That's right baseball. By the way congratulations to the Dominican Republic for winning the World Baseball Classic. They went undefeated if I heard correctly. Baseball. I don't care what anybody says, it's America's pasttime. It's a time when all the teams are even and everybody from the Yankees and Giants down to the D'backs and Astros have hopes and their sites set on winning the World Series. On April 1st all the teams will have the same chance to win. The fans all believe their team WILL win. Baseball season is a time when we can partially divert our attention from the bad news that's going on and check the box scores to see how our team did. Why else was it important for baseball to go on during World War II? The events of 911 did not stop the season, but merely delayed things for a week or so. Why? Because we need the distraction. We need the time to take our brains out and just watch men try to hit a little ball that's thrown upwards to over 100 mph and try to hit it with a stick. We revel in it. We cheer each win and feel down with each loss.
I like spring. It's the best time for the weather and it's the best time for baseball. I hope each and every one of you have a team you can root for and spend at least a few minutes every day for the next 6 months away from the cares of the world and enjoy a good game.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Asking and believing
How many of you who have children have had your children ask you over and over and over and over for the same thing? Does that get as irritating to you as it does to me?
The Secret mentions 3 steps to receiving what you ask.
1. ASK - but ask once. If you ask more than once, you're not believing that you'll receive it. Think about that for a moment. If you truly believe that what you ask for is on its way to you, then you don't need to ask again. If you ask your mom or dad for something and they say that you can have it tomorrow, do you continue asking? No, you know you're going to get it tomorrow so you don't ask, but you look forward to getting what you asked for.
2. BELIEVE that you are receiving it. Using the example in the previous step, when your parents say okay that you can have it tomorrow, you believe them because they said so and when tomorrow gets here, they give you what you asked for. You can look at it in the sense that you're getting it, so it's yours now, you just don't have it in your hands.
3. RECEIVE what you asked for. The thing you asked for is yours at that moment. It may not be manifested in your hot little hands at that precise moment, but it's yours at that moment. And be thankful for receiving it. Be grateful. When your parents gave you something you asked for, you were grateful (I hope you were, you should have been anyway) and you thanked them, sometimes you thanked them over and over. The same applies here. Give thanks for receiving what you asked for.
I want you all to understand that I believe in God and that HE sent His Son to die for my sins. I believe God is our Heavenly Father. When I give thanks I give thanks to God for I believe He gave me all that I have and all that I will have. The Secret talks about the Universe in that respect, I think of God. There are a couple verses that need to be mentioned here. Matthew 21:22 Jesus said "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." Also Mark 11:24, "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." And Matthew 7:7-8 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."
We cannot get anything without asking for it, we must believe that we are receiving it and we must receive it.
The Secret mentions 3 steps to receiving what you ask.
1. ASK - but ask once. If you ask more than once, you're not believing that you'll receive it. Think about that for a moment. If you truly believe that what you ask for is on its way to you, then you don't need to ask again. If you ask your mom or dad for something and they say that you can have it tomorrow, do you continue asking? No, you know you're going to get it tomorrow so you don't ask, but you look forward to getting what you asked for.
2. BELIEVE that you are receiving it. Using the example in the previous step, when your parents say okay that you can have it tomorrow, you believe them because they said so and when tomorrow gets here, they give you what you asked for. You can look at it in the sense that you're getting it, so it's yours now, you just don't have it in your hands.
3. RECEIVE what you asked for. The thing you asked for is yours at that moment. It may not be manifested in your hot little hands at that precise moment, but it's yours at that moment. And be thankful for receiving it. Be grateful. When your parents gave you something you asked for, you were grateful (I hope you were, you should have been anyway) and you thanked them, sometimes you thanked them over and over. The same applies here. Give thanks for receiving what you asked for.
I want you all to understand that I believe in God and that HE sent His Son to die for my sins. I believe God is our Heavenly Father. When I give thanks I give thanks to God for I believe He gave me all that I have and all that I will have. The Secret talks about the Universe in that respect, I think of God. There are a couple verses that need to be mentioned here. Matthew 21:22 Jesus said "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." Also Mark 11:24, "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." And Matthew 7:7-8 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."
We cannot get anything without asking for it, we must believe that we are receiving it and we must receive it.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Good and bad feelings
Something I find interesting.
Your feelings are either good or bad. Good feelings come from thinking good things, bad ones come from thinking bad things.
The Secret deals with making sure you think good things as much as you can. Good thoughts put out a frequency that attracts good things. Bad thoughts put out a frequency that attracts bad things. You cannot monitor your thinking all the time. We have thousands of thoughts every day. One way to monitor your thoughts are your feelings. If you pause for a moment and consider how you're feeling. Are you feeling good or bad? If you're feeling good, then you are thinking good thoughts and are on the proper frequency to attract good things. Conversly if you're feeling bad, then you are thinking bad things and are on the frequency that attracts bad things. The obvious goal is to think good thoughts all the time. An exercise that seems good is to close your eyes, thereby shutting out your visual stimuli and just smile for one minute. You cannot have bad thoughts and feel good and you cannot have good thoughts and feel bad. I have found that one bad thought at the beginning of a day can set the mood for the whole day. Begin your day with good thoughts. If you had a bad dream and the feeling hangs on, try shifting your thinking to something good and start your day that way and your whole day will be better.
So if you find yourself feeling bad, change your thinking to something good. You are then changing your frequency to a good one. I look at it as positive thinking.
I'm not sure I explained that well, but I hope you get the idea.
Your feelings are either good or bad. Good feelings come from thinking good things, bad ones come from thinking bad things.
The Secret deals with making sure you think good things as much as you can. Good thoughts put out a frequency that attracts good things. Bad thoughts put out a frequency that attracts bad things. You cannot monitor your thinking all the time. We have thousands of thoughts every day. One way to monitor your thoughts are your feelings. If you pause for a moment and consider how you're feeling. Are you feeling good or bad? If you're feeling good, then you are thinking good thoughts and are on the proper frequency to attract good things. Conversly if you're feeling bad, then you are thinking bad things and are on the frequency that attracts bad things. The obvious goal is to think good thoughts all the time. An exercise that seems good is to close your eyes, thereby shutting out your visual stimuli and just smile for one minute. You cannot have bad thoughts and feel good and you cannot have good thoughts and feel bad. I have found that one bad thought at the beginning of a day can set the mood for the whole day. Begin your day with good thoughts. If you had a bad dream and the feeling hangs on, try shifting your thinking to something good and start your day that way and your whole day will be better.
So if you find yourself feeling bad, change your thinking to something good. You are then changing your frequency to a good one. I look at it as positive thinking.
I'm not sure I explained that well, but I hope you get the idea.
Thursday, March 07, 2013
How about this?
This is something that came to mind a few nights ago. An idea for a story. This story would follow 3 couples in their quest for love with somebody who is forbidden. Each couple follows a different path.
They met in secret. They had to. Not only was their relationship taboo, but it was also illegal. It wasn't age, it wasn't gender, it wasn't race, it was class. He of the patterned class and she of the lighted class. Their only insignia of their class was the clothes they wore. Simple, but it made each class easily discernable to the casual person. It had to be. It's illegal to fraternize between the classes. The penalty for such a relationship is imprisonment and, upon release, a RFID embedded in their body so if they ever got close together again an alarm would sound and they would be picked up and sent off to opposite sides of the planet. The third offense warrants the death penalty of one, to be executed by the other. So, they met in secret. Stealing their time alone. Spending that precious time talking, kissing and getting to know each other more, yet always scared they will be found out....
It's an idea that's just working itself out. Enjoy
They met in secret. They had to. Not only was their relationship taboo, but it was also illegal. It wasn't age, it wasn't gender, it wasn't race, it was class. He of the patterned class and she of the lighted class. Their only insignia of their class was the clothes they wore. Simple, but it made each class easily discernable to the casual person. It had to be. It's illegal to fraternize between the classes. The penalty for such a relationship is imprisonment and, upon release, a RFID embedded in their body so if they ever got close together again an alarm would sound and they would be picked up and sent off to opposite sides of the planet. The third offense warrants the death penalty of one, to be executed by the other. So, they met in secret. Stealing their time alone. Spending that precious time talking, kissing and getting to know each other more, yet always scared they will be found out....
It's an idea that's just working itself out. Enjoy
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
Right thinking, or maybe Left I never get that right...
The following are quotes from "The Secret". The numbers are mine, not the book's.
6. People think about what they don't want and attract more of the same
7. Thought = creation. If these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions (good or bad) that speeds the creation
8. You attract your dominant thoughts
9. Those who speak most of illness have illness, those who speak most of prosperity have it..etc..
Now I know that some of you are going to look at this and think "heresy" or "blasphemy". That's okay. Just do me a favor and think about it. You attract your dominant thoughts. What are your dominant thoughts? What do you think of the most? Do you think about "what am I going to do if I don't get paid" or "I've felt sick for the past week, and still feel sick" or maybe "I'm so tired" Do you feel those things? Do you feel the way you're thinking? Are you thinking negatively? I know for the past year or 2 I've felt like I've had bad years where things seemed to be going wrong all the time. I didn't think about the good things that were going on, I dwelt on the bad things. Did my thinking on those things perpetuate the bad things? If you look at the above quotes and believe them, then yes I did.
So, what harm is there in changing the way I think? Instead of thinking negative things, I need to think of positive things. Also, instead of thinking "I don't want to be sick" or "I don't want to be broke" I need to think "I want to be healthy" and "I want to have enough to cover everything and have a little left over for recreation". It's a subtle difference in thinking, but "don't" and "can't" are negative words (they contain the word "not").
I don't know how long it would take to see if it works, I just know it won't hurt to do it. If nothing else, I'll be a happier person.
6. People think about what they don't want and attract more of the same
7. Thought = creation. If these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions (good or bad) that speeds the creation
8. You attract your dominant thoughts
9. Those who speak most of illness have illness, those who speak most of prosperity have it..etc..
Now I know that some of you are going to look at this and think "heresy" or "blasphemy". That's okay. Just do me a favor and think about it. You attract your dominant thoughts. What are your dominant thoughts? What do you think of the most? Do you think about "what am I going to do if I don't get paid" or "I've felt sick for the past week, and still feel sick" or maybe "I'm so tired" Do you feel those things? Do you feel the way you're thinking? Are you thinking negatively? I know for the past year or 2 I've felt like I've had bad years where things seemed to be going wrong all the time. I didn't think about the good things that were going on, I dwelt on the bad things. Did my thinking on those things perpetuate the bad things? If you look at the above quotes and believe them, then yes I did.
So, what harm is there in changing the way I think? Instead of thinking negative things, I need to think of positive things. Also, instead of thinking "I don't want to be sick" or "I don't want to be broke" I need to think "I want to be healthy" and "I want to have enough to cover everything and have a little left over for recreation". It's a subtle difference in thinking, but "don't" and "can't" are negative words (they contain the word "not").
I don't know how long it would take to see if it works, I just know it won't hurt to do it. If nothing else, I'll be a happier person.
Monday, March 04, 2013
1.6 billion rounds and 2700 tanks
Yep, the Department of Homeland Security (hereafter referred to as DHS) has purchased 1.6billion rounds of ammunition (they say they got a deal on pricing) and 2700 tanks. There is supposedly a youtube video of one of the DHS officers giving a tour of one of the tanks. KFYI, local talk radio station, has the link posted on their website. The tracks of the tanks have been removed and replaced with bulletproof tires.
Is the DHS becoming a national police force? I always thought that a national police force would be illegal, but I wouldn't swear to that being true. Anybody know for sure and can point it out in the Constitution?
I guess I must be a little uninformed regarding what the DHS is for. I thought they were organized to protect the Homeland from enemies. Does the purchasing of 1.6 billion rounds of ammo and the acquisition of 2700 tanks indicate they expect an invasion from somewhere or are they getting ready to put down protests? Either one of those is enough to put a bit of a fright in me.
What's your thoughts?
Is the DHS becoming a national police force? I always thought that a national police force would be illegal, but I wouldn't swear to that being true. Anybody know for sure and can point it out in the Constitution?
I guess I must be a little uninformed regarding what the DHS is for. I thought they were organized to protect the Homeland from enemies. Does the purchasing of 1.6 billion rounds of ammo and the acquisition of 2700 tanks indicate they expect an invasion from somewhere or are they getting ready to put down protests? Either one of those is enough to put a bit of a fright in me.
What's your thoughts?
Friday, March 01, 2013
Previous post continued...
There was a movie put out in 2006 called "The Secret" and I think I'll see if I can find it and view it. I did find the e-book for my nook at http://bn.com.
Anyway, onward and forward...
"All that we are is a result of what we have thought" - Buddha
What can you do right now to turn your life around?? Gratitude
Gratitude will bring more into our lives immediately
What we think about and THANK about is what we bring about
What are the things you are grateful for?? Feel the gratitude..
focus on what you have right now that you are grateful for
These quotes come from the book "The Secret".
I included that quote from Buddha because it is an interesting thought. Imagine if we changed the way we thought and what we thought about when we were younger. If that quote is true, then I would be in a much different place. Meaning, materially I would be much better off. But it's NOT too late to change our thoughts and our lives.
How many of us give thanks on a routine basis? I know I don't. I am starting that train as of last night (2/28) and I already know that when I give thanks for the things I have and the things that I don't have, AND the things I will have, it changes my attitude about what's going on in my life. I feel happier and more peaceful about everything. By giving thanks, we begin to feel positive about things.
I am grateful for my family, for my house, for my pets, for my job, my cars, my bank accounts and the ability to help others when it's needed. It makes me happy to be thankful. I will continue to give thanks for all that I have and will have and I know I'll be happier and more at peace with my life rather than trying to swim upstream by just reacting to situations and bemoaning my life.
By the way, giving thanks is also a great way to shift your perspective on things, but then I mentioned that in a previous post.
Enjoy everybody and have a great day and don't forget to give thanks for that great day.
Anyway, onward and forward...
"All that we are is a result of what we have thought" - Buddha
What can you do right now to turn your life around?? Gratitude
Gratitude will bring more into our lives immediately
What we think about and THANK about is what we bring about
What are the things you are grateful for?? Feel the gratitude..
focus on what you have right now that you are grateful for
These quotes come from the book "The Secret".
I included that quote from Buddha because it is an interesting thought. Imagine if we changed the way we thought and what we thought about when we were younger. If that quote is true, then I would be in a much different place. Meaning, materially I would be much better off. But it's NOT too late to change our thoughts and our lives.
How many of us give thanks on a routine basis? I know I don't. I am starting that train as of last night (2/28) and I already know that when I give thanks for the things I have and the things that I don't have, AND the things I will have, it changes my attitude about what's going on in my life. I feel happier and more peaceful about everything. By giving thanks, we begin to feel positive about things.
I am grateful for my family, for my house, for my pets, for my job, my cars, my bank accounts and the ability to help others when it's needed. It makes me happy to be thankful. I will continue to give thanks for all that I have and will have and I know I'll be happier and more at peace with my life rather than trying to swim upstream by just reacting to situations and bemoaning my life.
By the way, giving thanks is also a great way to shift your perspective on things, but then I mentioned that in a previous post.
Enjoy everybody and have a great day and don't forget to give thanks for that great day.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
First in a series from "The Secret" (Law of Attraction)
I am somewhat hesitant to start posting these quotes. I got the list from a friend who emailed them to me, so I don't actually have the book from which they come. I have googled it and found that the author is Rhonda Byrne and published in 2006. This information came from that unerring site called Wikipedia.com. Also here is the link to the official site http://thesecret.tv/.
The following is my opinion on the quote that I use.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, here's the first quote I have. Although I don't have page numbers on any of the quotes you'll see here.
"Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting."
If you are thinking positive thoughts, you will be attracting positive energy. Conversely if you're thinking negative thoughts, you will be attracting negative energy. This is like that old saying "You are what you eat". This could be re-worded as "You are what you think". I have found that not only will you be attracting positive energy, but you'll feel better about how things are going. Your perspective on things will be easier to change. This could change your whole mindset and you view of what's going on in your life. So this quote tells me if I don't like what's going on, change what is going on in my mind. At least that's something I have control over. I may not have control over some of the things going on, but I can control what's going on in my mind. I think I said that a couple times huh.
I hope this has not been confusing, but has been at least a little helpful.
The following is my opinion on the quote that I use.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, here's the first quote I have. Although I don't have page numbers on any of the quotes you'll see here.
"Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting."
If you are thinking positive thoughts, you will be attracting positive energy. Conversely if you're thinking negative thoughts, you will be attracting negative energy. This is like that old saying "You are what you eat". This could be re-worded as "You are what you think". I have found that not only will you be attracting positive energy, but you'll feel better about how things are going. Your perspective on things will be easier to change. This could change your whole mindset and you view of what's going on in your life. So this quote tells me if I don't like what's going on, change what is going on in my mind. At least that's something I have control over. I may not have control over some of the things going on, but I can control what's going on in my mind. I think I said that a couple times huh.
I hope this has not been confusing, but has been at least a little helpful.
Friday, February 22, 2013
A continuation of a previous post or two...
It occurs to me that we can choose how we feel about things. We may be in a royal mess where everywhere we turn there's stress, pain, suffering and what ever. It's at those times that it's really REALLY hard to feel good about the situation we find ourselves in. I've talked about changing our perspective. To look at the situation at a different angle. It might be easy to do that at first, but it becomes increasingly more difficult to maintain that perspective. Sometimes, I think most times, we find ourselves fading back into the old way of looking at our situation.
I have this list of things called 100 quotes from "The Secret" (Law of Attraction). These 100 quotes are positive ways of looking at things and changing our thinking. I have this list on my desk. I printed them out so I would have them on my desk. My intent had been to look at this list everyday and gradually change my thinking. I looked at the list a few times that first week then only sporadically after that. Certain things have occurred that is urging me to look at and read this list again and this time to be more consistent about reading it. It may help me to do that if I take the next 100 days and post each quote and express my thoughts about that quote. I'm not sure how entertaining it will be, but if it helps me and one other person to change their thinking from the negative to the positive, then I think it will be worth it.
I have this list of things called 100 quotes from "The Secret" (Law of Attraction). These 100 quotes are positive ways of looking at things and changing our thinking. I have this list on my desk. I printed them out so I would have them on my desk. My intent had been to look at this list everyday and gradually change my thinking. I looked at the list a few times that first week then only sporadically after that. Certain things have occurred that is urging me to look at and read this list again and this time to be more consistent about reading it. It may help me to do that if I take the next 100 days and post each quote and express my thoughts about that quote. I'm not sure how entertaining it will be, but if it helps me and one other person to change their thinking from the negative to the positive, then I think it will be worth it.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Doing what you want to do...
Many of us have jobs. Jobs that we do because we needed a job and the particular job we have opened up to us. There's nothing wrong with that. We all need a means of supporting ourselves and our family and it's definatly honorable to hold down a job and be responsible. The problem is that many time (most?) we would rather be doing something else. I am a computer programmer. I have been working at the same job for almost 29 years with nearly 25 of those years with the same company. I like the people I work with and work for. They are all good people and I consider them my friends, but over the years I've found that I'd much rather be doing something else. But what am I good at? I can think logically (I am a programmer after all), I'm a good speller, I can express myself with the written word. I'm also decently talented in music. I don't know how well I can sing (you poor souls who have heard me) but I can play a musical instrument or 2. I spent a few years playing the clarinet (better than Squidward I might add for those of you who are familiar with SpongeBog) and in 7th grade the band (junior high school band) I played with won a first place in state and a wind ensemble won a first place that year and I played a bass clarinet solo that also garnered a first place for me. So I know I can play.
What I'd like to do is a couple things. I'd like to pick up the clarinet and get back into it. I'd like to learn the guitar and bass guitar. And, I think more so, I would like to write a story. One good enough to get published and make me an author. Perhaps this blog is a way of doing something along those lines at least. Though I have not written a story here, I have written quite a few different things and, in a few of my earlier posts, I included stories that I had started. I've had no special training and I think my stories show that lack of education and experience in the matter, but at 54 (nearly 55) I've decided that I want to do that. I've heard some say that you should write what you know. But nobody wants to read a program that has over 10,000 lines in it. It could be somewhat boring.
What I'm trying to say is if you can do it, do what you like doing. Learn what you're good at and if you have a job then do that thing in your spare time. Holly, my daughter is a wonderful artist and I would love it if she could dedicate her time to doing her art. Painting, drawing and what not. She's really good at it and I think she could earn a decent living at it. The fact that she's still quite young, means she's got lots of time to hone her art and grow confident in what she does.
I plan on taking up one of my stories and working through it to the end and then see where it goes. I hope all of you who read this look at yourselves as others do and see the talents that you have and feed those talents and make them grow. I think all of us would benefit from that.
What I'd like to do is a couple things. I'd like to pick up the clarinet and get back into it. I'd like to learn the guitar and bass guitar. And, I think more so, I would like to write a story. One good enough to get published and make me an author. Perhaps this blog is a way of doing something along those lines at least. Though I have not written a story here, I have written quite a few different things and, in a few of my earlier posts, I included stories that I had started. I've had no special training and I think my stories show that lack of education and experience in the matter, but at 54 (nearly 55) I've decided that I want to do that. I've heard some say that you should write what you know. But nobody wants to read a program that has over 10,000 lines in it. It could be somewhat boring.
What I'm trying to say is if you can do it, do what you like doing. Learn what you're good at and if you have a job then do that thing in your spare time. Holly, my daughter is a wonderful artist and I would love it if she could dedicate her time to doing her art. Painting, drawing and what not. She's really good at it and I think she could earn a decent living at it. The fact that she's still quite young, means she's got lots of time to hone her art and grow confident in what she does.
I plan on taking up one of my stories and working through it to the end and then see where it goes. I hope all of you who read this look at yourselves as others do and see the talents that you have and feed those talents and make them grow. I think all of us would benefit from that.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
A Matter of Perspective
Isn't it interesting that many things experienced in life is subject to perspective. I was thinking of the grandkids the other day. It's been tough on us and them for them to be living with us. They aren't in their own beds, using their furniture, watching their movies. For us it's tough because they are 5, 6 and 14 and we are not used to having children of that age living with us. After all Matthew is 25 or 26 this year (Yikes!) so it's been a while since we've had a kid living with us.
Recently I've spent time thinking about how tough it is. That at times it's a pain in the ass (forgive the expletive please). Last night (February 13) I went to bed and just began to thank God for the opportunity to have them with us. Thanked Him for the fact we had a place for them, that we could be there to take care of them and feed them and provide a place to sleep (even though the place to sleep is the couch) we do have enough for all 3 of them plus a room for the little dog, too.
All it took was a shift in perspective to go from lamenting the problems, to thanking Him for them. I don't mean to call the kids problems. They are not, though frankly they are not angels either, but what child of 5, 6 or 14 is? But at least we have the opportunity to help them in their time of need.
I guess I'm saying, that when you're feeling like I have, that life is kicking you while you're down, just turn your head a little and change that perspective. See what you have and just begin to give thanks for it. I'm sure everything will be fine and we will all have our lives back to normal shortly, but while it's not, I am going to give thanks for being able to help.
Enjoy life, remember it's the only one you have.
Recently I've spent time thinking about how tough it is. That at times it's a pain in the ass (forgive the expletive please). Last night (February 13) I went to bed and just began to thank God for the opportunity to have them with us. Thanked Him for the fact we had a place for them, that we could be there to take care of them and feed them and provide a place to sleep (even though the place to sleep is the couch) we do have enough for all 3 of them plus a room for the little dog, too.
All it took was a shift in perspective to go from lamenting the problems, to thanking Him for them. I don't mean to call the kids problems. They are not, though frankly they are not angels either, but what child of 5, 6 or 14 is? But at least we have the opportunity to help them in their time of need.
I guess I'm saying, that when you're feeling like I have, that life is kicking you while you're down, just turn your head a little and change that perspective. See what you have and just begin to give thanks for it. I'm sure everything will be fine and we will all have our lives back to normal shortly, but while it's not, I am going to give thanks for being able to help.
Enjoy life, remember it's the only one you have.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Something I don't understand...
First I need to make a correction. In my last post regarding What a week I'm having. April's house got flooded on the 14th of January, not the 7th. It felt like the 7th and it seems like it's been longer than a month, but in reality on Valentine's Day it will be a month.
Now on to something I don't understand.
April holds 2 jobs (both part time, but she's at least working and being responsible). One of her jobs is with a school district and the other a private day care center. February 18 is President's day and we all know that the government employees (local, state and federal) have the day off. Well, it just so happens the private day care she works for will also be closed. But that's not enough, they are holding a one day meeting (mandatory of course) for their employees, which means the children that go to that day care will not be there. What I don't understand is why do they close day care on a day where 84% of the working population is still working and many of those (April included) needs day care to be open? That means that one of us (guess who) will have to take a day off to watch the kids. Why do they do it? I understand that perhaps the laws of the state require a certain amount of re-education or enhancement, whatever, but why not do it on a Saturday so those who have to work can still work rather than risk losing pay or using up vacation time to babysit. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with being off watching the children (I get about 5 weeks paid vacation a year and have never used them all) but thinking of the other parents who need to work and can't afford to take the day off are screwed. To me it just seems silly, but then I'm a silly person sometimes so oh well.
One thing to make you say "What??" A CNN news reader interviewed Bill Nye (spelling?) the Science Guy, about the asteroid that is supposed to make a pass by Earth at around 17,500 miles (inside the orbit of our geostationary satellites at 22,000+ miles) and asked him if it was "due to global warming or a metoric something else" Really?? Global warming would affect asteroids in space? That sounds nearly as odd as the representative from Georgia being concerned that an expansion of the military presence in Guam would capsize the island.
Just makes you wonder about the people we rely on for news and the people in government.
Have a great day.
Now on to something I don't understand.
April holds 2 jobs (both part time, but she's at least working and being responsible). One of her jobs is with a school district and the other a private day care center. February 18 is President's day and we all know that the government employees (local, state and federal) have the day off. Well, it just so happens the private day care she works for will also be closed. But that's not enough, they are holding a one day meeting (mandatory of course) for their employees, which means the children that go to that day care will not be there. What I don't understand is why do they close day care on a day where 84% of the working population is still working and many of those (April included) needs day care to be open? That means that one of us (guess who) will have to take a day off to watch the kids. Why do they do it? I understand that perhaps the laws of the state require a certain amount of re-education or enhancement, whatever, but why not do it on a Saturday so those who have to work can still work rather than risk losing pay or using up vacation time to babysit. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with being off watching the children (I get about 5 weeks paid vacation a year and have never used them all) but thinking of the other parents who need to work and can't afford to take the day off are screwed. To me it just seems silly, but then I'm a silly person sometimes so oh well.
One thing to make you say "What??" A CNN news reader interviewed Bill Nye (spelling?) the Science Guy, about the asteroid that is supposed to make a pass by Earth at around 17,500 miles (inside the orbit of our geostationary satellites at 22,000+ miles) and asked him if it was "due to global warming or a metoric something else" Really?? Global warming would affect asteroids in space? That sounds nearly as odd as the representative from Georgia being concerned that an expansion of the military presence in Guam would capsize the island.
Just makes you wonder about the people we rely on for news and the people in government.
Have a great day.
Friday, February 01, 2013
What a Week!
What a week! Not in a good way either. First of all, you have to know that at the beginning of January, it got really cold here, and by that I mean it dropped below freezing over night, which does not happen very often here, and it did that for 5 nights in a row. Lots of people, as it turned out, had problems with pipes bursting and flooding homes and businesses. Thankfully, Cathy and I did not have that problem, however, April did (see picture)

That's what happens when a 1/4" copper line feeding the ice maker freezes and bursts. You can't see the ceiling from this angle, but practically the whole ceiling in the living room collapsed on her furniture and other items that were in that room. Plus, as it turns out, the house was built in 1971 which means asbestos was used in the drywall. So, since the 7th of January (or thereabouts), our grandkids have been staying with us. April has been able to stay with friends as we don't have the room.
That's the beginning of woes. :-)
Tuesday I got sick. Not throw up my guts sick, just stuffed head, headache and other things associated with that, so I left work early and went home. That morning Sean (our 6 year old grand son) said his stomach hurt, but he went to school anyway. I spent Tuesday afternoon resting and feeling worse. So I figured I'd be staying home on Wednesday. Sean got up Wednesday morning, again complaining that his stomach hurt and before he could go to school had thrown up 3 times. He stayed home and by 10:30 that morning he was feeling and acting just fine. Me, on the other hand was feeling worse. I couldn't just go lie down, I mean I've got a 6 year old running around like a maniac, which is what 6 year olds are capable of doing. After dinner I took an Aleve and went to bed. I woke up Thursday morning feeling okay enough to go to work. So I did. About an hour after I got to work, I got a call that Sean has pink eye and has to go home. So I took him home, then took him to the doctor to get checked out. The doctor pronounced him infected with pink eye and sent a prescription to Walgreens. We left the office, and drove to the Walgreens to pick up the eye drops and was told that that particular Walgreens did not have the drops and that Sean's insurance information was not on file, PLUS this was the expensive medicine ($100 for a tiny bottle). So I called April who called Walgreens and gave them his information. They called a different one and they did (7th St and Thunderbird, not too far from the house). So we ate some lunch and went to pick up the drops then was informed that I needed Sean's insurance card so they could bill the insurance company. Basically the same thing I was told about an hour or so earlier.
Well it did get straightened out and Sean got his medicine and took it like a little kid would. Well he's home again today but I don't have to watch him. His mother is there and she's sick.
So, it's been an interesting month and week. I hope I didn't bore you too much.
That's what happens when a 1/4" copper line feeding the ice maker freezes and bursts. You can't see the ceiling from this angle, but practically the whole ceiling in the living room collapsed on her furniture and other items that were in that room. Plus, as it turns out, the house was built in 1971 which means asbestos was used in the drywall. So, since the 7th of January (or thereabouts), our grandkids have been staying with us. April has been able to stay with friends as we don't have the room.
That's the beginning of woes. :-)
Tuesday I got sick. Not throw up my guts sick, just stuffed head, headache and other things associated with that, so I left work early and went home. That morning Sean (our 6 year old grand son) said his stomach hurt, but he went to school anyway. I spent Tuesday afternoon resting and feeling worse. So I figured I'd be staying home on Wednesday. Sean got up Wednesday morning, again complaining that his stomach hurt and before he could go to school had thrown up 3 times. He stayed home and by 10:30 that morning he was feeling and acting just fine. Me, on the other hand was feeling worse. I couldn't just go lie down, I mean I've got a 6 year old running around like a maniac, which is what 6 year olds are capable of doing. After dinner I took an Aleve and went to bed. I woke up Thursday morning feeling okay enough to go to work. So I did. About an hour after I got to work, I got a call that Sean has pink eye and has to go home. So I took him home, then took him to the doctor to get checked out. The doctor pronounced him infected with pink eye and sent a prescription to Walgreens. We left the office, and drove to the Walgreens to pick up the eye drops and was told that that particular Walgreens did not have the drops and that Sean's insurance information was not on file, PLUS this was the expensive medicine ($100 for a tiny bottle). So I called April who called Walgreens and gave them his information. They called a different one and they did (7th St and Thunderbird, not too far from the house). So we ate some lunch and went to pick up the drops then was informed that I needed Sean's insurance card so they could bill the insurance company. Basically the same thing I was told about an hour or so earlier.
Well it did get straightened out and Sean got his medicine and took it like a little kid would. Well he's home again today but I don't have to watch him. His mother is there and she's sick.
So, it's been an interesting month and week. I hope I didn't bore you too much.
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